Post Tagged with: "Rick Perry"

January 18, 2012 09:42

Perry: ‘Travesty’ That U.S. Energy Security Is ‘Tied to a Nation That Hates Us’

“Through a series of executive orders and actions, I want to open up energy exploration on federal lands and federal waters,” Perry said Tuesday –

January 12, 2012 11:33

“Vulture” Capitalism is a Contradiction in Terms

No system is infallible, but capitalism is by far the best one because it rewards and punishes the right things. It’s politicians — on both the left and right, these days — who are the true vultures.

January 2, 2012 10:17

Perry – Obama “all about politics nothing about leadership”

“America could go to heck in a hand basket as far as he’s concerned. He just wants to win the next election.” – Gov. Rick Perry

December 12, 2011 06:01

Perry ad jumps on Romney bet

Making quick use of Romney’s $10,000 bet at the debate, the Perry campaign produced this ad which points out that Romney is wealthy and implies he can’t relate to average Americans.

December 12, 2011 06:01

Perry ad jumps on Romney bet

Making quick use of Romney’s $10,000 bet at the debate, the Perry campaign produced this ad which points out that Romney is wealthy and implies he can’t relate to average Americans.

November 23, 2011 06:18

Perry would get rid of TSA unions

Americans have been disgusted with nude body scanners and invasive TSA pat downs. When the TSA was created for “security” after 9-11 Democrats insisted it be a public union so dues could be funneled into their campaign coffers. Perry might be worth voting for just to get rid of the TSA unions.

November 22, 2011 08:18

Perry questions value of funding UN and foreign aid

“The idea that some how or another we just need to write a blank check and say here because we’ve always done that is not acceptable.”

November 21, 2011 09:06

Perry: “Obama is a socilaist” – again

Perry is one of the few candidates to speak openly about Obama’s Marxist ideology. O’Reilly and others tip toe around the fact that Obama has had a lifetime of Marxist ideology and is driven to “fundamentally transform America” into his idea of “fairness” which is Marxism.

November 15, 2011 17:12

Perry ad: Insider trading congressmen should be jailed

This will be worth a few points in the polls. Its about time someone started calling for jail time for these crooks. Used to be a few thousand stolen now Obama doles out hundreds of millions at a time. How about jail for Obama for the hundreds of millions he has shuffled to his friends and campaign supporters.

November 15, 2011 15:52

Perry slams Obama on “lazy” comment – country lacks leadership

Joining a growing chorus of both Democrats and Republicans Rick Perry says the big problem is a lack of leadership.