Post Tagged with: "social justice"

September 24, 2013 18:49

NYT Exposes Marxist (Progressive) Mayoral Candidate

.. dozens of other Democratic Party politicians who call themselves progressives and have Communist connections that go even deeper than that of de Blasio.

September 18, 2013 05:40

Obama’s “Free Lunch”

We now have tens-of-millions of Americans who have come to believe not only that their lunch should be “free,” but also their health care, their transportation, their education, their phones, their housing, and so on.

August 15, 2013 06:44

Hillary’s Progressive Village Owns Your Kids

What do the “progressives” really mean when they talk about owning your kids? About “reforming” education?

June 6, 2013 05:49

The Ferengi Are Running Washington

Our “D-Day” will be the 2014 mid-term elections. If after the elections, the Ferengi have increased their numbers in Washington, we are lost – but if the number of Ferengi has decreased, we have started Lincoln’s constitutional process of amending our existing despotic government:

April 19, 2013 08:46

Why Violence and Terror are Part of America’s New Normal

A majority of us keep expecting our leaders and officials to initiate force against our fellow citizens on a daily basis, robbing from another to give to ourselves. And then we marvel at the fact that some choose to take the violence to the streets.

March 14, 2013 11:36

Leftist Prayers for a Red Pope Dashed

With the selection of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina, the liberals have lost out. He opposes abortion, euthanasia, and homosexuality. A Catholic insider tells me, “Looks like we might have ourselves a relatively conservative new pope.

February 10, 2013 18:33

Obama Leading Us to Liberal Utopia Like Detroit

Today it has been transformed into a rotting, decaying, post-apocalyptic hellhole.

December 4, 2012 07:38

The Great Transference

[G]enerations of Americans who have grown up believing that it is not primarily the individual, out of his own heart and personal compassion who is to give alms, but Caesar and his vast concourses of bureaucrats, case workers, social workers, and experts in the nature of the human condition working tirelessly for “social justice.” – American Thinker

November 27, 2012 07:06

European Union and the Failed Welfare State

Could it be that rich and productive countries are tired of subsidizing social welfare, re-distribution of wealth schemes, failed multiculturalism, and sloth?

November 21, 2012 07:11

Private Property Ownership is the Only Way to Eradicate Poverty

The United States is now losing wealth as a result of a massive campaign to reduce private property ownership through the policy of Sustainable Development. If not reversed, the United States will find itself in Third World status for exactly the same reasons other nations have landed there – destruction of private property rights.