Post Tagged with: "Solyndra emails"

August 6, 2012 06:12

Solyndra is Obama’s Bastard Baby

“He raised it, nursed it with the milk of taxpayer dollars and now avoids any claim to paternity.”- Business Week

August 4, 2012 07:36

Emails prove Obama gave 500 MILLION taxpayer dollars to campaign bundlers

Reelected? Obama should go to jail. Paying off campaign supporters with $500 MILLION taxpayer dollars that have to be borrowed even over the objections of his own administration is such a travesty of justice and such blatant bribery that Obama and Lew and everyone else involved should go to prison.

November 18, 2011 14:42

Obama was warned about Solyndra scandal and did nothing

Emails show that an inner circle adviser warned Obama the Energy Sec. Chu was doing a lousy job and would create a scandal for the Obama White House. Obama did nothing and let Chu and his wacko environmental staff throw away half a billion dollars of taxpayer money to a campaign supporter.

November 18, 2011 14:31

Bachmann – Solyndragate “stinks” makes Watergate look like childs play

The White House has “to be involved.” She also called for firing of Energy Sec. Chu. Previously she has joined over 50 congressmen calling Eric Holder’s firing. Obama is “leading from behind” on issue after issue.

November 16, 2011 17:39

Obama campaign donors get your green in DOE loan scandal

A growing list of Obama supporters that shared in hundreds of millions of taxpayer funds doled out in a rush to green scams. Throw in Pelosi and Reid and the list grows longer.

November 15, 2011 18:02

Obama’s DOE pressured Solyndra to delay layoffs until after election

Emails show that the energy department used loan funding as a threat to Solyndra to delay a planned layoff announcement until after the 2010 elections.

November 10, 2011 09:51

E-mails Show White House Involvement in Solyndra

“The documents we have obtained thus far demonstrate that such high-level White House advisers as Valerie Jarrett?, Ron Klain?, Rahm Emanuel? and Larry Summers? were involved in discussions and decisions related to Solyndra,”

November 7, 2011 10:04

White House stonewalls on Solyndra scandal – taxpayers lost half billion dollars

The Obama White House is refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena for documents related to the Solyndra scandal. Previously revealed documents from other agencies have shown that the White House pressured DOE to approve the loan the the now bankrupt solar company over objections of staffers who said the company would run out of money.

October 14, 2011 14:04

Obama’s Solyndra deal first to put taxpayers behind investors

With 28 years experience the Chief financial Officer at Treasury says he has never seen the taxpayers put in a subordinate position to investors in a guaranteed loan.

October 14, 2011 07:57

Better late than never – Fox covers solar loan scandals

Has Greta been reading She interviews Rep. Fred Upton about the Solyndra and other “green energy” loans covered by us for months.