Post Tagged with: "Solyndra"

June 1, 2012 05:58

Rush Limbaugh on venture socialist vs. venture capitalist

Limbaugh praised Romney’s surprise attack on Obama’s failed venture socialist scheme at the location of Solyndra the company that was owned by Obama campaign supporters and received a half BILLION dollars of taxpayer money before filing bankruptcy.

June 1, 2012 04:27

Romney Slams Obama Failed “investments” in Front of Solyndra Plant

“The president took a half a billion dollars in taxpayer money and devoted it to an enterprise that was owned in large measure by his campaign contributors. This is serious conflict of interest. This ought to be a big story. I think there are a number of people among the president’s team that don’t want that story to get out. We wanted to make sure it did.”

May 7, 2012 07:24

Is The Obama Cabinet Working Against America’s Interest?

The common theme with these Cabinet secretaries is loud, uninformed rhetoric; a lack of practical experience; a certain utopian zealotry — and an expectation that there are rules for government grandees and quite different ones for the rest of us. – IBD Editorials

April 20, 2012 07:25

New evidence of White House illegality in Solyndra scandal

Emails show the White House adamantly kept the GSA away from Solyndra right before it illegally restructured the failed loan to protect a big Obama campaign donor leaving taxpayers on the hook for over $500 million.

April 5, 2012 04:58

Audit Proves Half Billion Dollar Solyndra Loss Due to White House Politics

Energy Secretary Steven Chu may want the country to stop discussing the Solyndra scandal, but information continues to come to light that confirms the worst suspicions of the critics of DOE’s $535 million loan guarantee.

April 3, 2012 10:20

Obama green energy plan goes bust – AGAIN

Is anyone keeping track of the billions being wasted on Obama’s green dreams? He continues to double down on spending your money on green schemes that have proven NOT to work. Wind and solar energy have been around since the 1800’s. They are not new. They still do not work no matter how much Utopian HOPE there is for a CHANGE in reality.

March 23, 2012 06:51

You lie! Solyndra Solar Failed By Poor Cost Structure, Not China or Bush

Obama lies again blaming his failed half a billion dollar Solyndra bust on China and Bush even though the DOE loan was DENIED by the Bush administration but revived by Obama and China had nothing to do with Solyndra’s failure.

March 15, 2012 03:55

Solar Energy: Popular but Corrupt

Crony capitalism and political payback in the form of green energy company subsidies (spelled “bailouts at taxpayer expense”) continue. And Obama wants four more years to route taxpayer-funded subsidies to people who donate to his re-election campaign. – American Thinker

February 15, 2012 06:06

Obama’s Knack for Picking Losers

Obama is spending immense sums for subsidies to particular industries and technologies, almost $40 billion for clean-energy programs alone … Meanwhile, the administration blocks shovel-ready private investment such as the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada to the Gulf Coast, which would create thousands of American jobs, increase energy security, and even improve the environment. – WSJ

February 14, 2012 15:17

Obama Includes $27.2 Billion Campaign Slush Fund in Budget

The new Obama “budget” adds billions more to the billions of taxpayer dollars poured into failed green energy companies and programs most of which went to companies with Obama campaign connections.