Post Tagged with: "taxpayer funded abortion"

June 4, 2013 06:13

Left’s Culture of Death Gave Us Gosnell – and Will Again

Further illustrating America’s moral decay, when it comes to protecting children who survive an abortion, no less than the man most recently elected (twice!) President of the U.S., Barack Hussein Obama himself, advocated a position that differs little from Gosnell’s.

October 4, 2012 04:48

Abortion and poverty have taken the place of fathers

41% of all U.S. children are born to unmarried women: 35.7% of white children and an astounding 72.3% of black children. Children who grow up in single female-led homes are 5 times more likely to live in poverty.

October 2, 2012 07:46

Updated List Identifies Corporate Supporters of Planned Parenthood

New boycott targets include Intuit (Go-Payment, Lacerte, Mint, ProSeries, QuickBooks, Quicken, SnapTax, TurboTax, etc.) and VIA Rail (train service in Canada).

September 27, 2012 07:50

New York City Schools: Reading, Writing, and Morning-After Pills

Think about how outrageous this is; girls as young as 14 could be given the morning-after pill and sent home. Suppose she has severe side effects from the pill but is afraid to tell her parents? It’s late at night or perhaps a weekend, what will she do? Who will she call?

November 29, 2011 08:35

Planned Parenthood: Agent of Destruction

[Sanger] maintained that “the most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it,” and that “birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race.”

April 19, 2011 07:12

Defund Planned Parenthood Now

The point is, when it comes to protecting innocent life, there is no room for obfuscation and no room for compromise. For those of us that believe abortion is the intentional killing of an innocent child, Hyde Amendment sophistry holds no book. As concerned as we are about the pathetic fiscal state of American government, we should be doubly-so about its moral bankruptcy.

January 7, 2011 17:08

Pence Introduces Bill to Deny Federal Funding to Planned Parenthood

Pence describes his bill on the House floor. He says an overwhelming majority of Americans are against using taxpayer funds to promote or pay for abortions. Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the US and the largest recipient of federal funding under title X funding.

October 18, 2010 16:19

Blue Rat Dems fight against pro-life billboards

Ohio congressman Steve Driehaus files a complaint the election commission against Susan B. Anthony list when they try to put up billboards reminding voters that Driehaus voted for taxpayer funded abortion.

February 24, 2010 08:58

Rep. Pence: Stop Using Taxpayer Money to Fund Planned Parenthood

According to its 2007-2008 annual report, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America received $349.6 million in taxpayer funds through government grants and contracts.