Post Tagged with: "USSR"

October 25, 2012 06:10

“Alger Hiss Day” a Reminder of U.N.’s Anti-Americanism

A communist assumed a major position of authority and power in the State Department and then used that influence to create a world organization that has been exploited for anti-American purposes ever since.

April 16, 2012 07:41

ObamaCare Vs. LeninCare: U.S. Copies Soviets

The Bolshevik leader told the Russian people everybody would be able to afford going to the doctor, not just the “greedy rich.” He also claimed centralized control of the medical industry would “reduce costs” and end the “waste” from “unnecessary duplication and parallelism” in a competitive market. – IBD Editorials

October 26, 2011 05:14

Former Soviet Union Citizen Confronts Socialists At Occupy Wall Street

A former citizen of the Soviet Union (USSR) confronts Occupy Wall Street protesters who are in favor of replacing capitalism with socialism.

July 9, 2010 03:53

History Behind The Scenes

Two events in recent weeks point out the danger of leaving history to the historians. One is the inclusion of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin in a D-Day memorial commemorating an invasion he never took part in. The other is the rating of Stalin ally Franklin D. Roosevelt as America’s greatest president, according to ‘leading’ academics who always seem to have a leftist agenda.