Post Tagged with: "war on energy"

March 6, 2012 06:52

Coal heats up as campaign issue for Obama

Lawmakers on both sides of the partisan aisle say Obama administration environmental regulations aimed at cutting greenhouse gas emissionsare poised to hit jobs and consumers harder than the Keystone XL decision at the same time the president seems to have abandoned his stated support for the coal industry and clean-coal technology. – Washington Times

March 1, 2012 04:50

Chu on this – Obama administration doesn’t care about high gas prices

Obama’s anti-energy secretary who is infamous for saying we need higher gas prices like those in Europe doubled down on his goals of using less oil not lowering gas prices. When asked if the goal was to lower gas prices he said “No.”

January 3, 2012 06:42

Obama’s War on U.S. Energy

“Last week the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission convened a conference on the wave of Environmental Protection Agency rules that are designed to force dozens of coal-fired power plants to shut down…despite warnings from expert after expert, including some of its own, the FERC Commissioners refuse to do anything about this looming threat to electric reliability.”

December 22, 2011 06:04

Obama’s lumps of coal for your stocking

[D]on’t be a frog and boil to death! Be an American, rise up, organize, pray, march in the streets and join the Tea Party. Demand that patriots and constitutionalists get in the House, Senate and White House in 2012. We don’t have time for depression or fear. We are in the battle of our life time and the world depends on us winning and so do our kids.

December 19, 2011 17:51

Obama’s war on electricity is a war on the middle class

Obama talks jobs and his passion for the “middle class” out of one side of his mouth while out of the other side he crushes the energy industry and drives up energy costs which drives up the cost of everything. The poor and the middle class are hit hardest in a stagnant economy by higher electric bills. But remember Obama promised that under his plan “electricity rates would necessarily have to skyrocket.”

November 4, 2011 08:39

Cheap energy stalled by Obama

The US is the Saudi Arabia of gas. Gas is 4.5 cents per kw compared to 15 to 5o cents for solar. So why are we wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on solar?