Land of Fruits and Nuts Offers Co-Ed Bathrooms for Schools

June 18, 2013 05:50
Land of Fruits and Nuts Offers Co-Ed Bathrooms for Schools

“This radical bill allows students of any gender to access public school bathrooms and locker rooms of their choice and to participate in sports activities based on that student’s assertion that he or she identifies as having a different private sense of their own gender regardless of their biological gender at birth.”



Assembly Bill 1266 narrowly passed out of the Senate Education Committee Tues. June 11, 2013. AB 1266 requires schools to authorize students to participate in sex-segregated school programs, activities, and to be allowed access to facilities consistent with his or her gender identity.


“AB 1266 forces San Francisco values on all California schools. This hell-2-by-jack-chick-300x204radical bill allows students of any gender to access public school bathrooms and locker rooms of their choice and to participate in sports activities based on that student’s assertion that he or she identifies as having a different private sense of their own gender regardless of their biological gender at birth,” said Karen England, Executive Director of Capitol Resource Institute. “We have the expectation of privacy and our students should not be forced to share bathrooms or change clothes in front of members of the opposite sex.


“Students who struggle with their sexuality are assisted fairly and sensitively every day without state government’s far reaching intrusion and imposition of unnecessary laws. These sensitive issues should continue to be addressed at the local level.”


AB 1266 will now be heard on the Senate Floor.

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