Post Tagged with: "Abortion"

December 10, 2012 07:36

Answering Liberals’ ‘Gotcha’ Questions

Thus, as a public service to conservative Christians everywhere, but especially to those running for public office, this column is a primer for how to answer those “gotcha” questions that any candidate opposing a liberal will inevitably have to answer.

December 10, 2012 06:54

McCain Votes with Majority to Give up US Sovereignty to UN

The Senate failed to reach the two-thirds majority needed to ratify the treaty, after a 61-38 vote Tuesday.

December 5, 2012 06:14

What the Fluke?

Democrats idea of person of the year is a greedy promiscuous law student who demands other people pay for her sexual choices. Concerned Women for America’s CEO Penny Nance rips the idea that Sandra Fluke should be praised for her selfish hedonism. The right to life and religious freedom is in the constitution. The right to free birth control and abortion is not.

November 30, 2012 06:50

Learning the Hard Way

In spite of a weak economy and terrible employment numbers, Barack Obama, the most pro-abortion president in our nation’s history and the only sitting U.S. president to declare support for same-sex marriage, easily won reelection.

November 16, 2012 07:14

A silver lining for social conservatives

Liberalism offers help for the misery it creates. Its “compassion,” therefore, is forever needed.

November 16, 2012 06:15

Romney in Retrospect

Mankind is not one dimensional. Despite what Ayn Rand might tell us, we are more than self-interested, economically-driven creatures. We are spiritual and emotional and relational beings who seek community in civil society. Yes we have individual rights, but we also have obligations to our fellow citizens.

November 9, 2012 06:57

Charles Krauthammer: The way forward is not a left turn

The country doesn’t need two liberal parties… In a world where European social democracy is imploding before our eyes, the party of smaller, more modernized government owns the ideological future.

November 8, 2012 08:29

Did GOP’s White Flag on Social Issues Cost the Election?

What we had unfortunately was a de facto truce on social issues on one side, but a full embrace of the war on social issues on the other side. Republicans had the truce, Obama had launched a war over abortion and on the Life issue, therefore he got to completely define what that issue was ..

November 8, 2012 06:43

Priest Calls for Civil Disobedience in Wake Of Obama Reelection

It is therefore time to recommit ourselves to the basics: a clear proclamation of the truth, an uncompromising fidelity to our principles, and an unwavering commitment to civil disobedience.

November 6, 2012 10:31

Sustaining Democracy without Morality: A Lesson in Futility

The present administration is far more interested in catering to radicals and the Hollywood elite than in adhering to the values and vision the nation’s Founders emphasized.