Post Tagged with: "alternative energy subsidies"

October 4, 2011 08:53

Is Harry Reid-Backed Nevada Geothermal the Next Solyndra?

A year and a half and $145 million in taxpayer financing later, and the company that built the plant is in dire financial straits.

September 13, 2011 08:48

New DOE loans support green Obama-backers

Thugocracy: A continuing pattern of giving taxpayer funds to campaign donors may explain Obama’s relentless “green” push.

August 29, 2011 06:41

Obama’s snake oil: Spreading “Big Oil subsidy” disinformation

The worst thing we can do is what President Obama is intent on doing: use the mythical revenues he expects from eliminating oil company “subsidies and tax breaks” to increase federal wind, solar and ethanol subsidies by another 50% (to $18 billion a year)

June 20, 2011 04:07

The Washington Cornhuskers

Believers in free markets and less government need to join the effort to shuck corn as an energy source. Corn belongs in our breakfast cereal and on our dinner plates, not in our gas tanks.

May 23, 2011 05:21

U.S. Energy Crisis is a Liberal Power Grab

Democrats and liberal Republicans, acting at the behest of groups hiding behind environmental cover to push policies giving government more power, are directly responsible for our current situation. This is deliberate on the part of some, while others are simply dupes who have been used.

April 18, 2011 05:17

Renewable energy costs jobs, raises electric rates in U.K.

[F]or every job created in the United Kingdom in renewable energy, 3.7 jobs are lost. In Scotland, there is no net benefit from government support for the sector, and probably a small net loss of jobs.

April 8, 2011 05:08

Global Warming Alarmism’s Long March through State and Local Institutions

We must keep in mind however that true believers don’t give up simply because theirs is a minority opinion. They just try in other ways.

March 25, 2011 04:41

The Energy Myth That Won’t Die

The real greed lies, mutually, in private “investors” chasing public funds for private profit with the complicity of politicians. Politicians promote energy alternatives and then harvest campaign cash from the recipients of taxpayer handouts.

March 24, 2011 06:32

Clean energy’s junk economics

What we do know — and this is undisputed — is that electricity from wind and solar sources is so expensive that without government subsidies, it would not exist, let alone compete with fossil fuels.

March 18, 2011 04:33

Inconvenient Truth: Wind Energy Has Killed More Americans Than Nuclear

According to the Caithness Windfarm Information Forum, there were 35 fatalities associated with wind turbines in the United States from 1970 through 2010. Nuclear energy, by contrast, did not kill a single American in that time.