Obama is pretending that the Progressive Era, the New Deal, and the Great Society were repealed, so that he can blame the financial crisis on capitalism. He’s pretending that George Bush was George Washington.
Post Tagged with: "anti-capitalism"
Crony Capitalism Protects Wrongdoers, Harms Consumers, Disrupts Markets
Special interests invest in political campaigns as a cost of doing business, and they expect a handsome return on their investments. … politicians are only too happy to accommodate these special interests in exchange for political contributions that help cement and perpetuate their power.
Bleeding Heart Capitalism
Leftist, “redistribute-the-wealth” types are generally guilt-ridden people who feel they don’t deserve (and, therefore, you and I don’t deserve) to live better than others.
The Vanishing American Middle Class
Capitalism is not parasitism. Capitalism does not refer to some living off of others at their expense. This is actually what we have now, with the policies of Big Government. If the goal is to help the middle class, then the primary goal should be to expand capitalism. Capitalism is a synonym for “freedom.” Properly defined, capitalism and freedom are one and the same.
Peter Schiff Shreds Obama Campaign’s Economic Illiteracy
Obama campaign demonstrates its ignorance of capitalism, spewing more of the anti-employer to stir up the passions of the employees. To stay profitable and in-business sometimes companies have to fire a small group of its employees to maintain the jobs of the current, remaining employees.
Communist Eurozone leader blames US for failed European socialism
EC President Barroso told G20 attendees “This crisis was not originated in Europe … this crisis originated in North America and much of our financial sector was contaminated by, how can I put it, unorthodox practices, from some sectors of the financial market.”
OWS: Biting The Hand That Feeds Them
They already tried this in Soviet Russia, Maoist China, North Korea and Cuba. How well did that work out? That’s the direction we’re going under Obamaism, and so far as I can see this is the direction both parties are taking us.
In defence of capitalism, the most virtuous economic system yet devised
Under the various forms of corporatism tried by fascist and socialist regimes, by contrast, someone else – generally a state official – gets to allocate the goodies, guaranteeing favouritism and corruption. – MEP Daniel Hannan
“Vulture” Capitalism is a Contradiction in Terms
No system is infallible, but capitalism is by far the best one because it rewards and punishes the right things. It’s politicians — on both the left and right, these days — who are the true vultures.
Crony capitalism is failing; let’s try the real thing
Capitalism is the greatest tool of wealth creation, social advance and economic development ever known. Conservatives must make the moral case for real capitalism, and take action against crony capitalism — and the culture that created it.