Post Tagged with: "Christianity"

October 22, 2010 09:00

My Take: Christianity not to blame for anti-gay bullying

Not only is Christianity not to blame for attacks against gays and lesbians, when properly interpreted and practiced, it is the cure for and solution to the mistreatment and abuse of anyone, for any reason.

September 20, 2010 06:51

School suspends students over a Bible verse!

Principal Retaliates Against Christians and Suspends Them for Giving Teachers Fresh Doughnuts with a Bible verse included.

September 2, 2010 04:01

Black liberation theology, Marxism and the 2nd killing of Christ

I went to Chicago and visited Trinity myself, heard Jeremiah Wright, spent time in the church bookstore, and returned home with my own stack of Cone’s books. If only Mr. Rutten had done likewise, he might have wisely steered clear of the topic altogether. Instead, he has dug himself into a pit of theological quicksand.

April 28, 2010 06:07

Pentagon Widens Christian Ban; Graham Says It’s Anti-Religion

“This decision is further evidence that the leadership of our nation’s military has been impaired by the politically correct culture being advanced by this administration,” Perkins said. “Under this Administration’s watch we are seeing the First Amendment, designed to protect the religious exercise of Americans, retooled into a sword to sever America’s ties with orthodox Christianity.

“For those Christian leaders who have avoided the controversy of political issues, saying they just wanted to preach the gospel — this should be a wake-up call!” he stated.

March 9, 2010 05:32

Texas University Hosts Porn for Bibles Exchange

I’ve never been so embarrassed to be called a Texan. Normally, I’d be proud to associate with others from the Lone Star State, but right now I’m ashamed! The University of Texas at San Antonio will host the annual Smut for Smut event, an atheist group’s initiative encouraging college students to exchange their religious texts (Bibles, Korans, etc.) for pornography.

February 19, 2010 05:30

Fake “Conservatives” Embrace Homosexual “Monster”

Now, Parker has done her best imitation of lesbian MSNBC-TV commentator Rachel Maddow by writing a column bashing Uganda’s Christian majority for considering passage of a bill to toughen laws against homosexuality. This has been a Maddow cause for months, and Parker is now on the bandwagon.