Post Tagged with: "climate change"

June 12, 2012 07:44

Bailed out Bank of America to blow $50 BILLION on climate myth

After receiving $45 billion taxpayer bailout B of A plans to more than triple its spending on the climate change hoax. Time to boycott Bank of America. Is the bailed out bank being pressured to promote the global warming myth or are they really that stupid? How could you invest in a company that wastes $50 BILLION on leftist propaganda?

May 17, 2012 07:43

Climate Nazis

So you need to understand that you are no better than a fruit fly and you need to die in order to avoid depleting the planet’s supply of food and its energy resources. God knows I would like to ignore or—better still—never have to hear from these climate Nazis, but that is not going to happen so long as The New York Times, the United Nations, and a host of others keep repeating their lethal lies.

April 23, 2012 03:55

If I Wanted America To Fail

See how close we are to these ideas that will help destroy America. Time to wake up to the scam that is being perpetrated on America. Find the truth, educate yourself and then share it with others. “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” – Edmund Burke. What will you do?

March 2, 2012 06:48

VoteVets Reaped Heavy Backing from Environmental Groups

The grants reflect one of the key strategies for supporters of climate legislation, which was to link U.S. dependence on imported oil with the Iraq War. – OpenSecrets

February 14, 2012 14:27

Glaciers Melting Slower Than Thought

The substantial overestimation of glacial ice loss in previous reports serves as a reminder that surface temperature measurements reported from various locations and then extrapolated on a worldwide basis conflict with uniform global temperature readings measured by instruments on NASA satellites.

January 16, 2012 18:52

Anti-religious group wants climate indoctrination in schools

Having lost the hysterical political arguments with reasoning adults, the misnamed National Center For Science Education wants to target children with its man-made warming propaganda.

January 16, 2012 09:04

NASA manipulates records to support warming

GISS has invented some new corrections to heat the Arctic. There is nothing suspicious about records which show a lot of Arctic warming prior to 1940. It is well documented.

December 23, 2011 07:12

More UN global nonsense – Gender Comes to Climate Change

How much more waste of American dollars is going to take before taxpayers have had enough? Is it not time for United Nations to move their headquarters to Africa? United Nations is primarily concerned with Africa, controlled by third world dictators, and is not promoting the interests of the developed world at all. – Canada Free Press

December 2, 2011 09:47


I fully expect these charlatans to announce that Santa may not show up on Christmas Eve if we don’t do something about climate change. Hurricanes from space By Alan Caruba There are no lengths and no depths to which Greens—environmentalists—will not go to advance the greatest hoax of the modern era. It used to be called “global warming”, but when that was exposed as based on falsified computer models put out by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the […]

October 18, 2011 16:08

Inhofe skewers warmist senators with words of their own

Citing global warming alarmists assertions that extremes in weather cannot be attributed to AGW Sen. Inhofe refuted Sen. Baucus’ claims that that the weather extremes are being caused by global warming.