Post Tagged with: "Dream Act"

December 6, 2010 08:51

Democrats Mount Last-Ditch Push of Costly DREAM Act

Apparently undeterred by Friday’s 9.8 percent unemployment shocker, Democrats in both the House and the Senate say they will push for floor votes this week on a DREAM Act that opponents warn will add untold billions to the federal deficit.

December 4, 2010 14:13

Dream Act to cost $6.2 billion – vote next week

The Dream Act is far more extensive in its effect and in the number of illegals who would receive amnesty under its provisions than the public is aware of. Call your Senator and Congressman today and tell them to vote NO on the nightmare Dream Act. 202-224-3121

December 3, 2010 05:06

Sessions on Dream Act amnesty

Alabama senator Sessions discusses how the Dream Act is amnesty and what will happen with the expiring tax cuts.

December 2, 2010 13:44

Dream Act opponent gets death threats after Fox appearance

Dream Act Amnesty supporters, including the President of Immigration Clearinghouse, have issued a fatwa calling for the murder of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC’s President William Gheen following his appearance on Fox and Friends.

December 2, 2010 13:34

Dream Act Amnesty to Displace and Replace Americans

The Nightmarish Dream Act Amnesty is a political ‘Teddy Bear with a hand grenade in it” to those that understand the bill would eventually lead to millions of innocent Americans being DISPLACED AND REPLACED in our colleges, in our jobs, and in our ballot boxes and elections.

December 1, 2010 07:13

GOP Must Stop Any Lame-Duck DREAM Act

As with all amnesties, it is much more expansive than its proponents purport. Call your legislator 202-224-3121

November 23, 2010 15:59

Ten Things You Need To Know About S.3827, The DREAM Act

The Dream Act is far more extensive in its effect and in the number of illegals who would receive amnesty under its provisions than the public is aware of. Call your Senator and Congressman today and tell them to vote NO on the nightmare Dream Act. 202-224-3121 or go to

November 22, 2010 03:50

Thanks for Nothing

We must redouble our efforts to turn back the tide. We must limit the government before the government limits us.

November 19, 2010 08:50

Obama’s Last-Ditch Push for Immigration Amnesty

In the post-election “lame duck” session of Congress, Obama and the Democrats will focus on jobs, jobs, jobs. … Oh, wait, no. They’ll focus on passing a big amnesty for illegal immigrants, in order to reward their Latino “base”– which was only 8 percent of the national vote

November 18, 2010 08:10

Lame-Duck Amnesty

Forget about jobs and tax cuts, high priorities for American citizens. Lame-duck lawmakers, at the president’s urging , will concentrate on a “path to citizenship” for the children of illegal aliens.