Post Tagged with: "education agenda"

March 30, 2017 07:21

Can DeVos Save Our Kids?

What do the “progressives” really mean when they talk about owning your kids? About “reforming” education?

August 12, 2013 05:56

Confused and Misguided Youth

It is easy to sell them anything because they confuse feelings with rational thought.

April 2, 2013 10:20

Common Core and CSCOPE – Propaganda in Education

The damage to these young people’s minds was so profound, not even direct contact with someone who actually lived under communism persuaded them. Why not?

March 21, 2013 15:16

Eroding Parents’ Rights

If Eric Holder is successful in establishing a legal precedent that parents have no natural right to educate their own children, then it is no exaggeration to say that America is only one generation away from our constitution being reduced to a hollow shell. The American people better wake up, and wake up fast.

December 4, 2012 08:25

5 States Adding Indoctrination Time to Schools for Unions

Over 60% of 9th graders believe its the government’s responsibility to guarantee a job. 63.5% believe its the government’s duty to redistribute wealth. Our schools have become nothing more than leftist indoctrination centers. More time in these indoctrination camps will not improve education. There has been no improvement in real education since the 2nd worst president, Jimmy Carter, gave the unions the Department of Education to control schools. Two trillion dollars has been spent on education with nothing to show for it. It’s time to eliminate the Department of Indoctrination and give schools back to their communities. More ….

August 17, 2012 05:52

Education is the Foundation of the Socialist Future

Nikita Khrushchev, said “The United States will eventually fly the Communist red flag…The American people will raise it themselves. We can’t expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism.”

June 29, 2012 04:38

PBS: Re-Educating America’s Schoolchildren, Thanks to Your Contributions

Although their educational materials claim to be objective, the truth is that their unrelenting ideological slant that promotes the politics of protest and civil disobedience is aimed at re-educating children into becoming far-left activists.

June 21, 2012 07:29

Pro-life group plans flash mob protest of NEA abortion agenda

The NEA’s radical leftist agenda also includes gun control, pushing the global warming myth, school based “family planning” clinics, reparations for slavery, gay indoctrination, preferences for women and minorities and the whole dirty laundry list of 60’s socialist radicalism.

April 18, 2011 04:44

The Toxic Influence of Progressive Education Schools on K-12 Curricula

Together, government dependency and social justice education have fashioned a super-progressivism turbo-charged by cultural Marxism. Stunted black academic achievement and disintegration of the black family are but two of the many devastating results.

April 8, 2011 07:42

Colleges push “social justice” propaganda on students and future teachers

Social justice materials typically include far left proposals such as acceptance of homosexuality, alternate lifestyles, radical feminism, abortion, illegal immigration, cultural relativism, and the redistribution of wealth.