Post Tagged with: "gays in the military"

June 2, 2010 19:01

Military chiefs split with Mullen on gays

Adm. Mike Mullen, Joint Chiefs chairman, in February first broke with the chiefs of the Navy, Air Force, Army and Marine Corps by endorsing President Obama’s campaign pledge to end the military’s ban on open homosexuals.

May 27, 2010 17:49

All the military chiefs have asked congress to wait for the report

There is nothing in the constitution that guarantees a citizen a right to serve in the armed forces. You can’t be too tall, can’t be too short, can’t be overweight. Unit cohesion is critical to combat effectiveness.

May 27, 2010 04:52

Majority of Americans Believe Future of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Should be Left Up to Military Commanders, Zogby Poll Finds

But since when has this congress or president cared about what the public thinks.

May 21, 2010 04:40

Homosexuality and the Military: What “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is and Why It Matters

More than 1,100 distinguished military leaders, including 51 four-star generals, testified in an open letter to President Obama on April 9, 2009, that: “We believe that imposing this burden on our men and women in uniform would undermine recruiting and retention, impact leadership at all echelons, have adverse effects on the willingness of parents who lend their sons and daughters to military service, and eventually break the All-Volunteer Force.”

April 29, 2010 15:31

Military Is Muzzling Chaplains and Others Who Support ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Policy on Homosexuality, Former Chaplains Say

“Those who serve in uniform are not free to speak on this issue. Do not misinterpret the silence of the rank and file as approval of this policy,” Perkins said. “That is why you will repeatedly see those who are retired and who are free to speak, speaking out for those who are not.” Perkins added: “It appears that this administration is willing to sacrifice the religious freedoms of chaplains, along with causing the military to compromise its mission in order to advance a radical social agenda designed to appease its political base.”

April 28, 2010 06:13

Chaplains fight ‘Don’t Ask’ repeal

Forty retired military chaplains are appealing to President Barack Obama and Defense Secretary Robert Gates to retain the Pentagon’s “don’t ask don’t tell’ ban on gays in the military.

March 26, 2010 20:50

Marine General Says He’d Give Gays Separate Rooms

Marine Corps’ commandant said he won’t force his troops to bunk with gays on base and would give them separate rooms if Congress votes to allow openly gay service.

March 12, 2010 04:52

Citing Threat to Free Speech, House GOP Leaders Demand That Defense Secretary Explain Why Gays-in-the-Military Critic Was Barred from Air Force Prayer Meeting

The current and former House Republican Whips are calling on Defense Secretary Robert Gates to explain the “written or unwritten policies” that led the Air Force to rescind its invitation to conservative leader Tony Perkins from speaking at a national prayer luncheon at Andrews Air Force Base because he disagrees with President Obama’s policy on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

February 24, 2010 05:06

Top Army and Air Force officers said Tuesday they would be reluctant to overturn a 17-year policy that prohibits gays from serving openly in the military

“I do have serious concerns about the impact of a repeal of the law on a force that is fully engaged in two wars and has been at war for eight and a half years,” Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey told Congress. “We just don’t know the impacts on readiness and military effectiveness.”

February 23, 2010 05:48

The Gay Infiltration of the Conservative Movement

Sorba said the negative reaction he got from some in the CPAC audience came from those in libertarian and pro-Ron Paul groups whose purpose is “to infiltrate the conservative movement and take it over from within.” He said that he received strong support after the event from traditional conservatives.