Post Tagged with: "green energy loans"

April 23, 2013 05:40

Obama’s Green Corporate Welfare Funds Foreign Jobs

Obama is sending green jobs to Finland, Malaysia, or Mexico and billions of our tax dollars to Spain, Britain, and even China.

April 11, 2013 06:25

O’s Nominees to Push Failed Green Agenda, Continue Higher Energy & Gas Prices

Obama’s nominees are very likely to advance his Hard Green agenda of replacing hydrocarbons with expensive renewable energy, closing more onshore and offshore public lands to energy development and other economic activities, and ensuring that electricity and gasoline prices rise even further.

October 17, 2012 05:29

Another Green Loser for Obama as Battery Co. Files Bankruptcy

Losing another $249 million taxpayer dollars, A 123 Systems adds to the growing list of “green” companies that Obama has squandered our money on. At least $16 BILLION of the giveaways have gone to companies with ties to Obama contributors or those with ties to other prominent Democrats. Obama continues to push the green schemes despite the fact that no global warming has occurred for 16 years. Can we afford four more years of economic suicide?

September 19, 2012 05:48

Ocean of Oil and the Great Oil Conspiracy

“Eliminating the fear that the world is running out of oil eliminates an urgency to experiment with or to implement alternative fuels including biofuels, wind energy, and solar energy as long as these energies remain less energy-efficient, less reliable, and more costly than using oil and natural gas.”

August 23, 2012 05:43

Green energy? Buyer beware!

In 2010 wind energy technologies received $5 billion in federal (taxpayer) subsidies, or $56.29 per megawatt-hour of electricity actually generated, and photovoltaic solar power received $968 million or $775.64 per mWh of actual electricity – while reliable natural gas-generated electricity received a paltry 64 cents per mWh.

August 15, 2012 09:10

Beacon Bust Tied to Obama Bundler

It turns out that 21 firms represent the 26 projects (the 7%) that were funded by the DOE’s 1705 Loan Guarantee Program, of which 23 were junk rated.

August 8, 2012 07:25

$1.3B Greendoggle in Sen. Reid’s Nevada: $4.6 Million per Job, and 4X the Cost of Fossil Fuels

Harry Reid’s $1.3 billion in federal funds funneled into geothermal, solar and wind projects since 2009 in Nevada has cost of over $4.6 million per job.

August 6, 2012 06:29

How Democrats Say “Crony Corruption” in Spanish: Abengoa

So how did such a poorly rated, non-American company get billions in US taxpayer loan guarantees? Can you say “crony corruption?” –

August 4, 2012 07:36

Emails prove Obama gave 500 MILLION taxpayer dollars to campaign bundlers

Reelected? Obama should go to jail. Paying off campaign supporters with $500 MILLION taxpayer dollars that have to be borrowed even over the objections of his own administration is such a travesty of justice and such blatant bribery that Obama and Lew and everyone else involved should go to prison.

July 25, 2012 05:03

More Stimulosers – another Obama green dream goes broke

At this point, supporters of the Obama Administration’s loan program have little else to say except, “Bush did it too!”