Post Tagged with: "healthcare"

October 8, 2013 10:15

Message to GOP: HOLD THE LINE!!

A message to help stiffen the backs of the people’s House. Hold the line against socialized medicine.

October 2, 2013 13:54

Why Obama is Soooo Fanatical About Obamacare

In 1961 Reagan warned America about the dangers of Obamacare. His fear has come to pass with takeover of the health care industry by the radical socialist Democrats. Socialized medicine, also known as universal healthcare or single payer has always been the goal of Obama and the socialist/progressive Dems.

October 2, 2013 05:52

Sun Sets on Washington D.C.

A million businesses may close. A million Americans may lose their homes. A million fathers may wonder how they will feed their children. But Government America was still supposed to grind on, growing fat on their toil, spending billions on a whim around the world and then sending in SWAT teams at the merest regulatory infraction.

September 27, 2013 05:55

Obumanomics: Impact of ObamaCare on Women and Families

Obamanomics is the term given to those aspects of President Barack Obama’s policies that affect the economic and fiscal well-being of the American public and the nation.

September 24, 2013 05:58

Defunding Obamacare is Not Unconstitutional

It’s a dishonest law, and counts on widespread ignorance and indifference among the population.

September 18, 2013 07:33

Let’s face it: Obamacare was One Big Awful Mistake for America

It’s time for Washington to acknowledge the problem and defund Obamacare.

September 18, 2013 05:40

Obama’s “Free Lunch”

We now have tens-of-millions of Americans who have come to believe not only that their lunch should be “free,” but also their health care, their transportation, their education, their phones, their housing, and so on.

September 10, 2013 05:45

10 Ways Obamacare Isn’t Working

Nancy Pelosi was wrong. Congress passed the bill, but we still don’t know what’s in it—because the Obama Administration keeps changing rules and ignoring the law.

August 23, 2013 07:08

Terminator Ted: Obamacare is “Biggest job killer in the country”- Defund It Now!

Sen. Cruz holds rallies across the country challenging both parties to stand up against Obama, Reid and Pelosi and defund the disastrous Obamacare bill even if it means shutting down the government. Will Obama shut down the government to save Obamacare? You betcha! Obama and his sycophant press will blame the GOP for any government shutdown. Cruz wants the GOP to throw it back in his face and argue that the government will be funded except for Obamacare and that it is Obama and the socialist Dems who want to shut down the government to save the biggest job killing bill in the country.

August 13, 2013 06:05

“I want to see more defiance!”

He wasn’t talking to local tea partiers; he was talking to his Republican Member of Congress.