Post Tagged with: "Israel"

March 15, 2012 06:51

OUTRAGE! Obama Denies Visa to Israel Parliament Member; Israeli Legislative Trip to US Canceled

Michael Ben-Ari is an elected Member of the Knesset, Israel’s parliament. But the Obama adminstration is denying him a visa to the United States.[ ] Yet, admitted Jew-killers and terrorists like Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas a/k/a “Abu Mazen,” who was the paymaster of the Munich Olympic terrorists, are welcome guests not only in the U.S. but at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. – Debbie Schlussel

March 13, 2012 06:07

Allen West on the potential Israeli strike on Iran

“Time is running out. I think that it would be a very stupid thing not to take them for who they are and what they contend. … We are seeing the extension of their regional hegemonic dominance…. Now comes a time when we cannot be so Neville Chamberlain … History has shown us that when you try to compromise, appease and negotiate with a mad man and a dictator and a despot it never works out very well.” West says we have been in a long simmering war with Iran since they took American hostages in the late 1970’s.

March 7, 2012 09:20

Cantor: There is a lack of certainty & leadership coming from the White House on Iran

Seems Obama was awfully anxious to bomb Libya. Could his 20 years at the feet of anti-Semite Jeremiah Wright have influenced Obama’s relationship with Israel? Rep. Cantor reiterates what many others have said about our campaigner-in-chief and that is there is no real leadership from the Saul Alinsky teaching radical Marxist in the White House.

March 6, 2012 09:38

Krauthammer: Israelis left to trust campaigner-in-chief

Israel is left to trust in hope and change from the Saul Alinsky teaching radical who attended an anti-Semitic church for 20 years. LOL

March 4, 2012 17:44

Former Top Israeli Official: Obama has “big words but very very small stick”

Obama is only talking tough now as he polls reaction for his appeasement and apologist foreign policy failures. The community organizer is playing Chicago tough without a clue what to do. A nuclear Iran may be the world’s greatest foreign policy failure since Chamberlain negotiated with Hitler. We all know how that ended.

February 27, 2012 13:29

The Iranian Countdown

When they get them, they will use them. The first target is going to be Israel and the next will be the United States of America, the Little Satan and the Great Satan, and time is running out.

February 27, 2012 05:20

Here Comes Obama’s 3 AM Phone Call

Obama thrives on crisis and chaos. He is a gambler and a con artist who follows Napoleon’s slogan of “audacity, audacity, always audacity.” But Napoleon met his Moscow winter and his Waterloo. The only question is when Obama will crash into his own brick wall of reality. – American Thinker

February 20, 2012 07:05

How the U.S.-Iran Standoff Looks From Israel

Officials in Tel Aviv have tried to alert the West to the dangers of a nuclear Iran for more than a decade. They argued that Iran would cause the technology to proliferate in the region as states such as Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabia sought such weapons, turning a multipolar nuclear Middle East into a strategic nightmare. A nuclear-armed Iran would strengthen its hegemony in the energy sector by its mere location along the oil-rich Arabian Gulf and the Caspian Basin. –

February 20, 2012 05:13

Israeli strike on Iran imminent says former Netanyahu chief of staff

Naftali Bennett former chief of staff to Benjamin Netanyahu spoke on Huckabee about Israel’s potential military strike at Iran. Israeli’s are not confident that the Obama administration will support them in a conflict with Iran. They have good reason with Obama’s support for the Muslim Brotherhood uprisings and his seeming disdain for Israel.

February 19, 2012 15:22

CNN’s Zakaria Papers Over Mass Murder

Fareed Zakaria of CNN has written a column for The Washington Post that serves as an excuse for letting Iran develop and acquire nuclear weapons.