Post Tagged with: "jobs"

February 4, 2015 07:11

Gallup Confirms Fake Unemployment Numbers

We’ve had several articles debunking the low unemployment rate myth. Gallup CEO Jim Clifton reiterates the falsehoods in his Gallup article linked on Drudge.

October 7, 2014 05:18

Democrats LIE to get Elected – Don’t Be STUPID Again

Kentucky Senate candidate Grimes shown to be lying about support for coal to fool Kentucky’s largely Democrat voters who have had some of the lowest electric rates in the US thanks to coal. Recent EPA policies have cost Kentucky thousands of jobs in coal and related industries and made the cost of electricity skyrocket just as Obama promised he would do in 2008.

June 24, 2014 18:25

Obama’s radical agenda for America extends far beyond EPA proposal

I call it the insane factor. The things our government is doing are so insane that people do not really believe it or are so overwhelmed they tune out. This article by Peter Morici at Fox News gives a little peek behind the curtain at what Ozbama is doing to (as he promised) fundamentally transform America. ~ Editor

May 2, 2014 04:32

25% of Obama’s Home Staters Consider Illinois Worst Possible Place to Live

Half of Illinoisans would leave the state if they could, according to a recent Gallup poll. That percentage is the highest of any state in the nation.

February 26, 2014 11:36

Obama’s Home State Shows Disaster of Job Polices

“Illinois has 380,000 fewer people employed now than before the recession. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, unemployment is still up by nearly 200,000 people, and at least 185,000 people have given up and left the labor force.”

December 17, 2013 05:35

Hiding the Decline with Unemployment Rate Myth

“USA is in for a prolonged period of sub par growth and very high annual deficits.” – Bruce Krasting

December 10, 2013 08:14

Government’s Giant Ponzi Scheme – You’re the Sucker

Government has evolved into a Ponzi scheme dependent on two strategies. The first is spending ever more of other people’s money on themselves and toward their re-elections. The second is pretending what they do has no cost — to the productive, to the economy, etc.

December 2, 2013 05:05

No Middle Ground – Gov. Walker on Why Conservatives Don’t Need to Move to the Center to Win

The only governor to survive a recall election explains how conservatism won in a blue state. Heritage Foundation interview.

December 2, 2013 05:00

“Fear For What’s Coming” – 68 Percent Of Americans Believe The Country Is On The Wrong Track

If you prepare yourself and your family now, you will have a much better chance of surviving the coming storm. And you will be in much better position to help those that will need your assistance.

November 21, 2013 11:31

50 to 100 million to lose plans in Democrat’s Obamacare Scam

The Democrats knew their plan would destroy healthcare for millions of Americans. The goal has always been to get to a government run system also known as single payer or socialized medicine. This has been the Democrats’ holy grail of totalitarian rule.