Post Tagged with: "North Korea"

December 9, 2010 18:28

Cyber warfare is happening now!

K.T. McFarland weighs in on the Wikileaks story and comments on North Korea’s role in the Middle East arms race

December 2, 2010 05:10

Sarkozy: North Korea to supply Iran with nuclear bomb components

French President Nicolas Sarkozy warns that North Korea is using its crisis with the South to cover up its planned transfer to Iran of nuclear weapons systems parts and extra-fast centrifuges that could help Tehran go into bomb production in the first half of 2011.

November 27, 2010 11:24

Give South Korea nukes?

Charles Krauthammer says its time to offer South Korea and Japan nuclear weapons.

November 26, 2010 07:51

The Sixty Years War

We say: Reductions must be made. And President Obama has even said: ‘I dream of a world without [nuclear weapons].’ Yet before our very eyes, two countries are doing the exact opposite. And what has dialogue produced? NOTHING!

November 26, 2010 06:00

Duped in North Korea: From Obama’s Mentor to Jimmy Carter

First, there was the deception and manipulation by the communist left, which, by its nature, refused to openly acknowledge that it was communist and serving the Communist Party line. Second, there was dangerous self-delusion and gullibility among some leading Democrats.

November 23, 2010 05:24

North and South Korea fire artillery shells

North and South Korea fire artillery shells across their tense western sea border, in one of the most serious clashes since the Korean War in the 1950s.

November 23, 2010 05:16

North Korea Shows “Sophisticated New Nuclear Enrichment Facility”

Experts in the region could not say if the calculated revelation is a negotiating ploy by North Korea or a signal that it plans to accelerate its weapons program even as it goes through a perilous leadership change.

November 15, 2010 07:18

Obama needs to ‘wake up’ on world threats

“This administration does not seem to understand the intent of jihadist ideology,” Franks said, adding that it “could be fatal to a great many people and to world stability itself if Mr. Obama does not wake up.”

August 23, 2010 04:20

The real Bill Clinton and his destruction of US security

“Clinton’s failure to mobilize America to confront foreign terror after the 1993 attack [on the World Trade Center] led directly to the 9/11 disaster.” According to Morris, “Clinton was removed, uninvolved, and distant where the war on terror was concerned.”

August 16, 2010 04:33

North Korea threatens ‘severest punishment’

“The military counteraction of (North Korea) will be the severest punishment no one has ever met in the world,” he said.