Post Tagged with: "Pigford fraud"

July 19, 2011 07:49

Bachmann: ‘Proof Positive of Fraud’ in Black Farmer Settlement

“When money is diverted to inefficient projects, like the Pigford project, where there seems to be proof-positive of fraud, we can’t afford $2 billion in potentially fraudulent claims when that money can be used to benefit the people along the Mississippi River and the Missouri River.”

March 26, 2011 10:48

Stossel reports on reparations scam that costs billions

John Stossel reports on the Pigford discrimination settlement and its vast fraudulent payments some call reparations.

January 4, 2011 07:35

Rep. Issa says too many scandals to investigate all

Rep. Issa said that there are potentially 600 investigations he could hold on previous Congress and Administration but he does not have the time of resources. He also stated that the Pigford corruption fraud would be investigated but not by his committee.

December 21, 2010 06:33

Mother of all fraud cases unravels as Breitbart exposes Pigford

Andrew Breitbart gives ‘Pigford 101’ on the Hugh Hewitt radio show. The Pigford USDA discrimination claim has exploded into a massive fraudulent reparations scam which may have helped Obama beat Hillary and win the nomination. – Audio

December 16, 2010 07:04

Black Farmer, USDA Employees Prepared to Testify About Fraud in USDA Settlement, Lawmakers Say

An FBI agent also is prepared to testify that he knows of numerous cases where evidence of fraudulent claims was not pursued. The agent believes at least 50 percent of the black farmers’ claims were fraudulent.

December 8, 2010 17:08

Huge fat gifts for the left on the government funding bill

Michele Bachmann on Laura Ingraham’s radio show speaks out about the last minute funding bill that no one will have time to read. She says it is loaded up with ‘huge fat gifts for the left’. She also points out the huge fraudulent Pigford $4.6 billion reparations bill that Obama will sign.

December 8, 2010 08:04

Limbaugh On Pigford – Corruption Right In The Open

Rush rails on the blatant corruption in the Pigford reparations bill that passed with ‘bipartisan’ support and will spend $4.6 BILLION that we do not have.

December 8, 2010 05:40

Reparations? When Pigford Flies

Redistribution of wealth has been an underlying purpose of this administration and Congress, and one of the most glaring examples has been its welcoming of a series of lawsuits alleging past discrimination by black, Native American, Hispanic and female farmers.

November 30, 2010 09:12

Massive fraud in Pigford discrimination settlement

Congressman Steve King (R-IA) joined Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and Congressman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) at a 9/29/10 press conference to discuss allegations of serious fraud within the Pigford v. Vilsack settlement program. The Pigford v. Vilsack settlements for alleged discrimination by the USDA against Black farmers expose taxpayers to over $2.3 billion in claims. Some estimates suggest over 75% of Pigford claims are fraudulent.

November 20, 2010 10:52

Van Jones wins! $4.6 billion to indians and black farmers

Bloomberg reports: U.S. Senate yesterday approved spending $4.6 billion to settle two lawsuits: one by black farmers who alleged racial discrimination by government lenders and the other by 300,000 American Indians who said they had been cheated out of land royalties dating to 1887.