Post Tagged with: "propaganda media"

February 25, 2011 05:22

Tucson’s Other Victims—Truth and Logic

The Left was clearly hoping that the controversy would have the effect of silencing conservative voices in the media, and shaming the Republicans into backing off of their agenda that they were recently voted in to pursue, including plans to vote to repeal ObamaCare.

January 20, 2011 06:30

WikiLeaks: Crusader for Justice or Criminal Enterprise?

To many, WikiLeaks is a new form of media and a crusader for justice and transparency. But their actions are those of a criminal enterprise that has damaged the U.S. and its allies during its epic struggle against radical Islam.

January 19, 2011 05:50

Is Media Malpractice a Form of Mental Illness?

If mental illness is the failure to comprehend reality, then many in our media are suffering from a form of the disease.

January 18, 2011 07:20

Sarah Palin to Dem-Media Complex: “I Am Not Going to Shut Up”

Sarah Palin told Sean Hannity tonight that despite the constant attacks by the democratic-media complex, “I am not going to shut up.” Palin spoke to Hannity about the left smearing her after the Tuscon shootings by a left-wing pothead lunatic who hated Bush.

December 30, 2010 05:38

Melanie Phillips on “World Turned Upside Down”

You’re too frightened, collectively—as we are in Britain, collectively—to acknowledge that this thing we’re facing is not simply a problem of terrorism, it’s also a problem of cultural takeover which is rooted in religious fanaticism.

December 23, 2010 05:04

MSNBC’s Ed Schultz Protects Terror Networks

The bombastic left-wing bias and overheated rhetoric of Ed Schultz can be obnoxious at times, but this kind of rhetoric is designed to prevent government authorities from taking the measures that are required to protect the American people from terrorist attack.

December 7, 2010 05:34

Some big corporation government corruption ties ok with Democrats

Dem shills Olberman, Maddow and NY Times ignore unfolding scandal involving how GE CEO used his high-level Obama Administration connections to collect billions of dollars from the Federal Reserve and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

December 6, 2010 04:54

Why are Democrats always wanting to control media?

Howard Dean, former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, wants to bring back the ‘fairness’ doctrine and control Fox News.

December 4, 2010 15:37

MSNBC Commentators Hide Their Corporate GE Bosses Fed Bailout

The partisan commentators on the GE-owned MSNBC television failed to cover the big financial news of the day—their corporate bosses had tapped the Federal Reserve for $16 billion in bailout money. GE owns the NBC television network and MSNBC and CNBC cable channels.

December 3, 2010 11:53

Here comes the Obama regime thought police

FCC Commissioner Michael Copps says to bolster “traditional media,” the FCC should conduct a “public value test” of every commercial broadcast station at re-licensing time. Programming must pass government ‘test’ or no license.