Post Tagged with: "RINOs"

January 16, 2013 06:54

Obama defeats the Israel Lobby – Hagel Popular with Terrorist TV and Russian Propaganda Channel

Obama’s nomination of Chuck Hagel as Pentagon chief and the sale of Al Gore’s Current TV to Al Jazeera—are coming together in a way that illustrates the role that the foreign propaganda channel can and will play if Congress lets the television deal go through.

May 10, 2012 05:09

The Pathetic Case of Richard Lugar

Lugar has truly fallen ill with the worst diseases of Washington: The belief that he is indispensable, the conviction that his own approach is the only decent political formula, and, worst of all, the sad conclusion that only public life offers any comfort, pride, and solace. – Weekly Standard

October 4, 2011 05:50

Gov. Christie Should Not Get in the GOP Race

Cain noted that “Christie is far too liberal on gun control, climate change, same-sex unions, and immigration to satisfy Republican voters.”

May 19, 2011 05:53

Tell Your RINO Senator NOT to Vote to Confirm Goodwin Liu for a Federal

A Republican voting for Goodwin Liu is more than just going against their party of choice, it is being a participant in stabbing our country in its heart, the Constitution. 202- 224-3121

March 3, 2011 05:34

RINO’s in Senate Call for Tax Hikes to Lower the Budget Deficit

Now here’s where the lib-Dem chicanery and deceitfulness comes into play. As Morris informs, the bait for the tax hikes are a variety of spending cuts included in the plan, but the Republican Senators’ participation in these talks and their possible support for the tax increases that will eventuate, will just serve to legitimize a tax increase.

February 23, 2011 07:28

Lugar Senate primary opponent dubs him ‘Obama’s favorite Republican’

Indiana state Treasurer Richard Mourdock will officially announce his primary challenge to Sen. Dick Lugar (R-Ind.) on Tuesday, rolling out the backing of a majority of party officials from across the state.

December 22, 2010 07:36

GOP RINOs Cave On New START, help Obama disarm U.S. & shoot down missile defense

This treaty is a monument to President Obama’s naive dream of a “world without nuclear weapons.” Our security will rest on ambiguous language and vague assurances, not on the genius of U.S. technology.