A pro-amnesty coalition of business and union interests is putting the squeeze on members of the House.
Post Tagged with: "SEIU"
Limbaugh: Democrats Need Uneducated, Hopeless, Unskilled Underclass… “That’s Their Base”
Obama said he would make SEIU agenda America’s agenda. The Sec/Treas. of SEIU said amnesty will provide 8 million new “progressive”(socialist) voters and change election outcomes for a generation. Don’t be stupid again.
Amnesty Bill Will Spell the End of Our Republic
Call and email Senators and House members. Urge your friends and neighbors to do the same. If this passes the Senate our last chance will be the House. We need to let them know now what we think.
Obama’s Fave Reveals Real Goal of Immigration ‘Reform’ (amnesty) – 8 million Progressive/Socialist/Democrat Voters
Will GOP commit suicide? Does anyone believe Democrats on border security THIS time? Watch an officer of Obama’s favorite union, SEIU, tell his troops why they need amnesty.
Spread the Word About What the Senate Is Doing on Amnesty
“Instead of new ideas, the current bill is essentially just recycling the flawed and failed ideas of the past.”
Real Goal of Immigration ‘Reform’ – 8 million Progressive voters
An SEIU officer explains why the union and the Democrat “progressives” want “comprehensive immigration reform” with a path to citizenship for twelve million illegals. At present ratios that will add eight million voters to the Democrat rolls which will be sufficient to swing many elections at local, state and national levels.
Obama’s tyrannical union board trying illegal ‘micro-unions’ again
NLRB has ruled in favor of the carving out of so-called “micro-unions,” smaller grouplets of workers which the union has selected in part because it thinks it can assemble a majority within those groups if not necessarily within larger workplace aggregates.
SEIU going all out for Obama
Obama said he will work to make SEIU’s agenda America’s agenda. Obama’s “investment” means taking more from producers and giving it to union thugs to promote their socialist agenda. The president of SEIU promises to mobilize 100,000 union goons to make 13 million phone calls and actively work to reelect Obama.
Big Labor spends literally billions of dollars on politics
“The unions’ reports to the Labor Department capture an additional $3.3 billion that unions spent over the same period on political activity. … The top political spender … was the Service Employees International Union. … It reported spending $150 million on politics and lobbying in 2009 and 2010, up from $62 million in 2005 and 2006. … [AFSCME spent] $133 million in the 2009 and 2010 election season, nearly twice the $75 million it spent in the 2005 and 2006 cycle.” – WSJ
One Percent Progressives/Socialists Honor the 99 Percent
DSA honorary chair, Eliseo Medina, gave a speech describing how his Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is spending $4 million in various swing states on advertising to get Hispanics to the polls to vote for Obama. The SEIU is firmly under socialist control, as a report by researcher Trevor Loudon demonstrates.