Post Tagged with: "Van Jones"

June 22, 2012 04:15

One Percent Progressives/Socialists Honor the 99 Percent

DSA honorary chair, Eliseo Medina, gave a speech describing how his Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is spending $4 million in various swing states on advertising to get Hispanics to the polls to vote for Obama. The SEIU is firmly under socialist control, as a report by researcher Trevor Loudon demonstrates.

May 17, 2012 06:13

Devolution of the Term Liberal: Alias Marx and Alinsky

Communism and socialism still carry a bad reputation, so everyone, including the Main Stream Media, and even well-intentioned pundits and commentators friendly to liberty, use the term liberal. – Capitalism Magazine

May 9, 2012 18:13

Glenn Beck and former White House green jobs czar commmunist Van Jones trade barbs

Glenn Beck was credited with exposing the communists and Marxists in Obama’s White House which ended in the firing of green jobs czar Van Jones and Press Secretary Anita Dunn. Jones later led a boycott of Fox News to get rid of Beck. In this GBTV clip Beck trades barbs with Van Jones.

March 4, 2012 17:15

$341 million illegal loan to Dem supporting union

The Obama administration has awarded $341 million in loans to the Freelancers Union—a small organization with deep progressive ties whose board members have donated more than $11,000 to Democrats—despite a law suggesting the union should not be eligible for such a loan. – Washington Free Beacon

February 16, 2012 17:47

Glenn Beck and the Death of Free Speech

George Soros, who was being subjected to scrutiny by Beck on his popular Fox News Channel program, had a vendetta as well. He personally gave $1 million to Media Matters to neutralize Beck and the conservative message of Fox News. What has been the result? Complete success on the part of Media Matters and the Soros machine.

January 20, 2012 06:37

Fox News Hires Soros-funded Activist

Not only is Kohn now on Fox News, where she can demonstrate the channel’s “fair and balanced” commitment by championing radical Arab and pro-Marxist causes, she is being given open access to the influential website, where she writes articles praising the Occupy Wall Street movement.

December 9, 2011 06:26

Media Promote Global Tax as Financial Crisis Deepens

The U.N. as a whole received $7.7 billion from American taxpayers last year. The UNDP is supported by about $100 million in U.S. taxpayer money annually.

November 28, 2011 08:33

Red Army: The Radical Network That Must Be Defeated To Save America

A new book details how environmental extremist and Occupy Wall Street enthusiast Van Jones may still be influencing President Barack Obama’s policy decisions.

October 12, 2011 07:10

Wall Street protesters want “sex with animals”

Is this what Pelosi is so proud of? What is it with these repetitive chants anyway? We’ve heard Marxist chants, communist Van Jones inciting insurrection, and a general babble of incoherent whines.

October 11, 2011 05:37

Communist Van Jones leads chant at Wall Street protest

Former White House staffer and self avowed communist Jones warned about the “American autumn” that would be like the Arab spring. Here he incites the crowd at Occupy Wall Street with his generic class warfare. “They” stole everything?