Ofascist Will Ignore Congress to Push Agenda, Crush Recovery

June 26, 2013 19:35

Despite overwhelming evidence that there is no threat from global warming aka climate change, Obama says he will rule by imperial order and ignore the will of the stupid people and the Constitution. How much more clear can he be? He has thrown away billions to corrupt “green” companies with political fund raising ties. There has been no warming for 17 years and yet he is going to raise energy costs in this fragile economy which will kill jobs and raise the cost of everything.

Also please consider:

“War on Coal Is Exactly What’s Needed” – Obama Anti-Energy Adviser

The Audacity of Deceit – Media Will Push Obama’s Climate Lies

EPA Climate Fascism

U.N. Continues Push for Global Hegemony with Climate Hoax

Continuing Collapse of Global Warming Hoax

Mindless “green” indoctrination of our children

Obama’s Clean-Energy Dirt – Stealing You Blind for a Good Cause?

 Manufactured Crisis of Global Warming aka Climate Change

$11,000,000.00 Spent Per “Green” Job Ceated

Let My Energy Go! Obama Depresses Economy With Green Agenda

Obama warned us he would make electricity rates ‘skyrocket’

Billions Burned on Obama’s Green Energy

Let My Energy Go! Obama Depresses Economy With Green Agenda

Consumers pay 38% extra for ‘renewable’ energy mandates

Obama pushes up oil, gas and electric rates as he promised

 Chu on this – Obama administration doesn’t care about high gas prices

Steve Jobs and the anti-jobs president

The New Robber Barons and Their Thief in Chief

Obama’s Green Energy Fail

Obama’s Green Corporate Welfare Funds Foreign Jobs

You’re Getting Gassed by EPA Lies About Ethanol

O’s Nominees to Push Failed Green Agenda, Continue Higher Energy & Gas Prices

Green Scam – Keeping You Afraid While Stealing You Blind

Obama’s Clean-Energy Dirt – Stealing You Blind for a Good Cause?


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