Obama Promises Economic Suicide with Looney Green Binge
“The economy stagnates. Syria burns. Scandals lap at his feet. China and Russia mock him, even as a “29-year-old hacker” revealed his nation’s spy secrets to the world. [ … tens of thousands of jobs killed, entire states impoverished. This at a time of chronically and crushingly high unemployment, slow growth, jittery markets and deep economic uncertainty.] How does President Obama respond? With a grandiloquent speech on climate change.” – Charles Krauthammer
by Charles Krauthammer at IBD
It lies at the very bottom of a list of Americans’ concerns (last of 21 — Pew poll). Which means that Obama’s declaration of unilateral American war on global warming, whatever the cost — and it will be heavy — is either highly visionary or hopelessly solipsistic.
At the heart of Obama’s program are EPA regulations that will make it impossible to open any new coal plant and will systematically shut down existing plants.
This massive self-sacrifice might be worthwhile if it did actually stop global warming and save the planet. What makes the whole idea nuts is that it won’t. This massive self-inflicted economic wound will have no effect on climate change.
Also please consider:
Obama warned us he would make electricity rates ‘skyrocket’
Electricity Prices Highest on Record for May
The Audacity of Deceit – Media Will Push Obama’s Climate Lies
EPA Climate Fascism
U.N. Continues Push for Global Hegemony with Climate Hoax
Continuing Collapse of Global Warming Hoax
Mindless “green” indoctrination of our children
Obama’s Clean-Energy Dirt – Stealing You Blind for a Good Cause?
Manufactured Crisis of Global Warming aka Climate Change
$11,000,000.00 Spent Per “Green” Job Ceated
Let My Energy Go! Obama Depresses Economy With Green Agenda
Billions Burned on Obama’s Green Energy
Let My Energy Go! Obama Depresses Economy With Green Agenda
Consumers pay 38% extra for ‘renewable’ energy mandates
Obama pushes up oil, gas and electric rates as he promised
Chu on this – Obama administration doesn’t care about high gas prices
Steve Jobs and the anti-jobs president
The New Robber Barons and Their Thief in Chief
Obama’s Green Energy Fail
Obama’s Green Corporate Welfare Funds Foreign Jobs
You’re Getting Gassed by EPA Lies About Ethanol
O’s Nominees to Push Failed Green Agenda, Continue Higher Energy & Gas Prices
Green Scam – Keeping You Afraid While Stealing You Blind
Obama’s Clean-Energy Dirt – Stealing You Blind for a Good Cause?
New York’s “Sustainability” Plan: aka “Agenda 21”
Sustainability Marxism
85% of Americans clueless on Agenda 21
Green Nazis
Frightening Quotes from Environmentalists
MORE Frightening Quotes from Environmentalists
Sustainable Nonsense
UN IPCC Report Shows Man-made Global Warming is a Hoax
Real sustainability versus activist sustainability
Obama’s Clean-Energy Dirt – Stealing You Blind for a Good Cause?
Let Them Eat Environmentalism – Starve the People, Save the Planet
Governmental Global Warming Lies Heating Up
The New Robber Barons and Their Thief in Chief
Government of, by and for the activists
EPA Funds Green Groups That Sue The Agency To Expand
The Speed of Progressivism
UN Agenda 21 – Coming to a Neighborhood near You
Agenda 21-The U.N. Plan for Your “Sustainable” Community
LOL – “Green” jobs includes garbage men, oil lobbyists
$9 million dollars per green job – Are we insane? – Four more years of this?
Obama green jobs cost over $13 million each – that’s a jobs plan
Obama’s “green” jobs cost $6.7 million per job
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