Half of Americans Think Worse Economy Still Coming – Majority Still Want Spending Cuts

Americans believe that the economy is harmed by increasing government spending (69%) and the nation’s debt (84%).
A late August 2013 poll found American voters disapprove of automatic spending increases for federal government agencies. 82% say no to an automatic budget increase, while just 13% support automatic increases.
Even with the sequester that Obama said would be a disaster, voters think more spending cuts will help the economy.
The poll was done by The Terrance Group who says the margin of error is +/- 3.5%.
“Americans continue to be focused on the economy and remain nervous about America’s economic health. Even though it’s been four years since the recession ended, nearly half (48%) believe that the worst is yet to come. Just one third (33%) believe the worst is behind us, and 15% say the worst is happening right now.
Majorities of Independents (53%) and Republicans (65%) believe the worst is yet to come. Half of Democrats say the worst is behind us (50%), yet still close to a third are pessimistic about the future (30% say the worst is yet to come).”
The poll also showed that over 85% of Americans want food stamp recipients to be actively looking for work or bi in job training or civic activities. A majority are also are willing to accept changes in Medicaid and Social Security.
Almost 60% think any debt ceiling increase should be tied to dollar for dollar cuts in spending. And most of us think cuts are cuts, not reductions in the growth of spending in the future which never actually happen as politicians like to pretend.
From the poll: “When it comes to the debt limit, a majority (58%) think that dollar-‐for-‐dollar cuts as part of a debt ceiling deal is just right or not enough spending cuts (34% say the cuts would be just right and 24% say the cuts are too little). That’s almost six in ten who think an increase in the debt ceiling should be accompanied by at least dollar-‐for-‐dollar cuts. Just 32% of voters say that dollar-‐for-‐ dollar cuts as part of a debt ceiling deal are too much.”
As more and more Americans are waking up to the looming disaster of a bankrupt America they are realizing that there is not an infinite money supply or an “Obama stash” that can pay for all the things politicians promise to keep themselves in power.
Michael Whipple, Editor
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