Michelle’O said “bunch of us are going to have to give up a little something”
In 2008 even Michelle knew that Obama was going to force you to “give up a little something.” Remember Obama’s “we need to spread the wealth around” comment? Marxism is all about taking from some and giving to others. That is what Obama meant by “fundamentally transforming America.”
This has been the goal of almost every action of his presidency. C.S. Lewis said “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people
Goebbels – Nazi Minister of Propaganda
will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” – Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Reich Minister of Propaganda
Here is Goebbels “big lie” propaganda tactic in action:
In a campaign speech to unions candidate Obama assured that his goal was to have “universal” healthcare by the end of his first term. He also warned that he couldn’t eliminate employer based coverage “right a way.” The goal of Obama and the socialist Democrats has always been 100% government healthcare so that they can micromanage every aspect of life.
“When Vladimir I. Lenin sought to remake Russian society into a “proletariats’ paradise,” he targeted three sectors for control: health care, banking and education. Sound familiar? Of these three, however, Lenin viewed socialized medicine as the “keystone” to building his socialist utopia.” — IBD
“The Bolshevik leader told the Russian people everybody would be able to afford going to the doctor, not just the “greedy rich.” He also claimed centralized control of the medical industry would “reduce costs” and end the “waste” from “unnecessary duplication and parallelism” in a competitive market.” — IBD
“In a little-noticed 2009 speech, Obama vowed to demolish “structural inequalities” in America and rebuild the economy on three new “pillars” — socialized medicine, banking and higher education.” — IBD
“Like Lenin, Obama plans to ration care, especially for the elderly.” — IBD
In 1961 Reagan warned America about the dangers of Obamacare. His fear has come to pass with takeover of the health care industry by the radical socialist Democrats. Socialized medicine, also known as universal healthcare or single payer has always been the goal of Obama and the socialist/progressive Dems.
Also please consider:
50 to 100 million to lose plans in Democrat’s Obamacare Scam
Apologies from Utopia
The Politicization of Healthcare
9/12 – the Manhattan attack that gave us Obama
The Politicization of Healthcare
We Warned You Over a Year Ago – “Obama promised socialized medicine by end of first term”
Obama promised to end no bid contracts – gives Obamacare website contract to Michelle’s friend
You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet! Obamacare Is Like Healthcare.gov
Why Obama is Soooo Fanatical About Obamacare
Obumanomics: Impact of ObamaCare on Women and Families
Toll-Free Call to Enroll in Obamadon’tcare
18 Examples Of The Nanny State Gone Wild
Defunding Obamacare is Not Unconstitutional
Let’s face it: Obamacare was One Big Awful Mistake for America
10 Ways Obamacare Isn’t Working
Terminator Ted: Obamacare is “Biggest job killer in the country”- Defund It Now!
“I want to see more defiance!”
Terminator Ted on Defunding Obamacare, Lawless President
Jindal Explains Obamacare Train Wreck, False Promises
Cirque du Obamacare
9/12 – the Manhattan attack that gave us Obama
Unions Having to Eat Obamacrow on Healthcare Destruction
Obamacare’s Destruction of Seniors’ Healthcare
If you love IRS you will love Obamacare as it forces us to socialized medicine, kills jobs & rations care
Redefining Health “Insurance” to “Right”
Obamacare is Imploding
The Unaffordable “Affordable Care Act”
Obamacare’s Broken Promises
The Hardball Realities of Obamacare
The Unaffordable Care Act – Losing Freedom, Healthcare & Money
Obama’s Death Panel Czar
Obamacare Rears Its Butt Ugly Head
Obamacare is All About More Death and More Taxes
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Revolution Begins: Defying Obama on Religious Liberty
Obamacare Burns Youth with 40% rate increase
Dr. Sums Up Obamacare in a Sentence
Obamacare designed to eliminate private insurance not cut costs
Obamacare Starts Killing Jobs – Pizza Costs to go Up
CBO: Obamacare Will Kill 800,000 Jobs Over Decade
Single-Payer or Bust
1,968 New and Expanded Secretarial Powers in Health Law
The true cost of Obamacare – $2.3 trillion
Health Care Overhaul Causing 74% Of Doctors To Quit
Obama promised socialized medicine by end of first term
Now is the Time!
The Progressive’s Foundation of Lies
Mark Levin: Obama is a Marxist
Obama’s “Fairness” is Pure Communism
Why ObamaCare Will Kill Medicine, You and The US Economy
Socialized medicine (Obamacare) will mean fewer doctors
What could go wrong?
What’s Wrong With ObamaCare? Here’s A Partial List
Allen West comments on higher taxes and higher costs from Obamacare
Court decison is end of Obama error – Krauthammer and the Judge
Coburn: “We’re trying ‘Sovietize’ American health-care”
ObamaCare Ruling Violates Religious Liberty
83% of Doctors May Quit If Obamacare Is Implemented
Obama’s Fascist Economy
Thomas Sowell: Obama the fascist
Huge Medicare Cuts Ahead Thanks to Obamacare
Obama’s media hiding historic Catholic lawsuit against Obamacare
Our Least Popular Law
Obama made secret deals with big pharma to get Obamcare support
Kudlow: Obamacare will bring the U.S. closer to bankruptcy
More middle class taxes proposed to pay for Obamacare – Will Obama campaign on that?
ObamaCare Vs. LeninCare: U.S. Copies Soviets
New Obamacare report shows Obama and Dems lied about costs
Obamaism, Liberalism: Big Bullies
Michele ( anti-Obamacare ) Bachmann on Freedom vs. Obamacare
ObamaCare “Helps” Some at the Expense of Everyone
Palin: Obamacare eroding foundation of liberty
Tyranny of Obamacare Phase 1
Obamacare reality rears its ugly expensive head
ObamaCare Is Designed To End Private Insurers
Congressman: Obama ‘duped’ American people with Obamacare
Obama was against the healthcare mandate before he was for it
Duh! – Obama health czar says too much regulation
CBO: Obamacare Will Kill 800,000 Jobs Over Decade
1,968 New and Expanded Secretarial Powers in Health Law
ObamaCare: The “Final Solution” for the Enslavement of Medicine
Lost in Taxation -The IRS’s vast new ObamaCare powers.
Paul Ryan makes the case for repeal & replace
Former CBO director -Repealing Job-Killing Health Care Law “First Step Toward Fiscal Sanity”
Government by Regulation – Krauthammer
Obama Resurrects ‘Death Panels’ in New Medicare Regs
AARP gets payoff for Obamacare support
Health Care Overhaul Causing 74% Of Doctors To Quit
Crushing Weight: National Health Care Law Threatens to Make Medicaid an Unsustainable Burden
Bachmann: ‘There Needs To Be an Insurrection’ Against GOP Leaders If They Don’t Hold Straight Vote to Repeal Obamacare
Obama Now Defends ObamaCare Mandates as New Taxes
Maryland Becomes Second State to Offer Federally Funded Abortions under Obamacare
Obamacare keeps getting worse
Berwick: Bigger Than Kagan
Obama lied – again: Obama fiscal commission co-chair says Obamacare won’t bring down costs
Obama’s playing you
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Does Obama agree that health care must ‘redistribute’ income?
Obama bypasses Senate to appoint Obamacare rationer
ObamaCare will force 100 million Americans from their health insurance
Obamacare may be the worst thing to hit American healthcare ever
Obamacare risks turning away sick
Former HHS Secretary says Obamacare WILL force up insurance premiums
Facing health insurance premium hikes, Obama administration eyes price controls
The Massachusetts Health-Care ‘Train Wreck’
A Bad Deal Gets Worse
Obama issues executive order giving vague new powers to HHS
Five more ways Obama’s health-care law boosts unions
Obama lied, healthcare died
President Pinocchio sells Obamacare
Obamacare is Bad Policy, No Matter How He Spins It
Road To Single-Payer
The Real Face of Obamacare – Marxism
Obamacare Taking on Water
Senior citizens will be more dependent on traditional Medicare than they are today and will have fewer health care choices
No Longer a Rule of Law, Now Ruled by Lawless
9/12 – the Manhattan attack that gave us Obama
Obama’s Crown Jewell of Thought Police
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Obama Presidency A Lengthening Legacy Of Lawlessness
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$100 BILLION Blown on Faux “Green” Jobs
Government’s Unconstitutional Grants of Nobility
The Obama Agenda and the New Global Elite
Our Imperial President’s Disregard of the Law
Recap of O’s Liars, Lies and Damn Lies
America Waking Up to Scandalous, Lying O’ministration
Is This Country Different? Will the Big Bang Be a Shock?
Government Never Has, and Never Will, Create Progress
A Message from Lord Vader
Is Government Lying About Inflation? Yes!
Wake Up, Gulliver: The Lilliputians Are Almost Done
Don’t Cry For Me, America: Comparing Argentina’s Fascist Perón to Obama
America Waking Up to Scandalous, Lying O’ministration
Mark Levin: Obama is a Marxist
The Ferengi Are Running Washington
Has Obama Already Bankrupted America?
The Corruption of America
The Self-Imposed Slavery of the Redistribution State
“Welcome to Sustainable City”
Obama’s Redistribution Is Working As Government Handouts Reach All Time High
A Nation of Government Dependents?
A timely reminder: Marxism in America
Obama’s America: One Big, Gigantic Soup Kitchen
Obama’s Civilian Soldiers
Yes he is the food stamp president! And the hand out president
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