Post Tagged with: "amnesty for illegals"

November 9, 2012 06:57

Charles Krauthammer: The way forward is not a left turn

The country doesn’t need two liberal parties… In a world where European social democracy is imploding before our eyes, the party of smaller, more modernized government owns the ideological future.

October 24, 2012 05:29

Illegal Aliens Get Billions in Federal Benefits

Department of Labor estimated $53.8 billion in unemployment benefits were paid to illegal aliens in 2002 and IRS paid $4.2 billion in refundable tax credits in 2010 to illegal aliens.

August 22, 2012 10:57

SEIU going all out for Obama

Obama said he will work to make SEIU’s agenda America’s agenda. Obama’s “investment” means taking more from producers and giving it to union thugs to promote their socialist agenda. The president of SEIU promises to mobilize 100,000 union goons to make 13 million phone calls and actively work to reelect Obama.

August 21, 2012 12:42

Don’t be fooled again – what a 2nd term looks like

Radical leftist groups helped write Obama’s legislation such as Obamacare and pushed his amnesty agenda. How far will they go in a second term when there is no worry about reelection? Can we afford four more years of national suicide?

August 16, 2012 08:57

AZ Gov. Brewer Blocks Obama’s Dream Amnesty

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer on Wednesday ordered state agencies to deny driver’s licenses and other public benefits to young illegal immigrants who obtain work authorizations under a new Obama administration policy. – abc 15

July 27, 2012 04:27

Obama’s “Dream” amnesty setting criminals free – DHS lies about border security

Sen. Sessions exposes lies about border security and the all encompassing get out of jail free pass that Obama created with his illegal change of immigration laws. Illegals do not have to prove anything to be set free. Even criminals can go free if they claim they are a “dreamer.”

July 17, 2012 19:31

Rep Steve King to sue Obama over amnesty executive order

At least someone is talking about reining in the tyranny of the Obama administration. If Obama gets a second term he will ignore congress and do whatever he wants. Remember he told the Russians to “just wait until after the election” when he would “have more flexibility.” Can we stand four more years of Obama’s tyranny?

June 26, 2012 09:16

Obama doubles attack on Arizona – Gov. Brewer responds

“Drop dead!” is what Gov. Jan Brewer says actions by the Obama administration are saying to Arizona. “We need a new administration.” DHS has decided to stop sharing information about immigration status with law enforcement. Can we stand four more years of emperor Obama?

June 26, 2012 05:58

More amnesty – Obama treats AZ worse than Burma, North Korea or Iran

Federal authorities will no longer take phone calls from Arizona officers making immigration inquiries about suspected illegals picked up in the course of committing crimes, perhaps some quite spectacular ones. .. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Service “will tell the local police to release the person,” – IBD

June 19, 2012 04:51

Krauthammer: “unprecedented grab of power” – “congress ought to be offended”

This is plain and simple tyranny, a usurpation of power that rightfully resides with the people through their elected representatives in the congress. Where is the outrage? Who has the guts to stand up to this? Call for his immediate impeachment! Get out the pitch forks it’s time to storm the castle!