Post Tagged with: "amnesty"

June 25, 2012 10:46

Krauthammer: Obama out maneuvered GOP on Hispanics

Obama is a master of deceit and manipulation. He set this up with multiple smaller decisions by ICE and DHS. See “The Amnesty by agency memo” at our site 11-5-2010. Also see “Obama – SEIU ties and the real goal of amnesty.”

June 19, 2012 15:59

Why Obama’s Immigration Political Ploy Gives Romney the Upper Hand

Obama is insulting the intelligence of the Hispanic community thinking that his stall on the “Dreamers” deportation can buy their votes. … He thinks that even though immigration and the “Dream Act” are very important to many Hispanics that this will some how mask the 11% unemployment rate that they are living through today.

June 19, 2012 04:51

Krauthammer: “unprecedented grab of power” – “congress ought to be offended”

This is plain and simple tyranny, a usurpation of power that rightfully resides with the people through their elected representatives in the congress. Where is the outrage? Who has the guts to stand up to this? Call for his immediate impeachment! Get out the pitch forks it’s time to storm the castle!

June 18, 2012 05:05

Krauthammer: Obama amnesty end run is “out and out lawlessness”

The real reason for Obama’s sudden compassionate lawlessness is 8 million new “progressive” voters according to Obama’s favorite union SEIU. Obama told SEIU he would make their agenda America’s agenda. Can we afford four more years of Obama’s lawlessness and tyranny?

May 31, 2012 07:03

Schumer Is As Devious and Divisive as Obama

The sleazy, sneaky and egomaniacal Charles (Chuck) Schumer,… is one of the greatest reasons why the United States MUST pass a Constitutional Amendment limiting ALL elected terms to federal government offices to ONE FOUR YEAR TERM and OUT!

May 11, 2012 10:00

Sessions questions $4 billion payments to illegals and amnesty DREAM Act

Sessions raised concerns about the DREAM Act proposed by Senator Dick Durbin, which would extend amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants, including to those convicted of crimes. Sessions also discussed an Inspector General’s report found that more than $4 billion in taxpayer money was being distributed to illegal immigrants who claimed as dependents children living in other countries.

April 19, 2012 09:40

10 Scary Things You Need To Know About Obama’s Second Term

Now for something really terrifying: a list of what Obama has in store for America in a second term if he can fool independents into voting for him again. – IBD Editorials

February 9, 2012 07:06

Obama Adds Illegal Alien Advocate to ICE

This new position reflects the Obama administration’s open-borders policy on immigration. It just won’t say so out loud. Rather than dismantling ICE or offering a blanket amnesty, Obama’s creating an illegal alien advocate inside ICE, undercutting its very mission. – IBD

January 26, 2012 10:10

AZ Gov. Brewer upset “thin skinned” Obama

Governor Brewer had confrontation with Obama today over Brewer’s book “Scorpions for Breakfast.” Obama whined to Brewer that she did not treat him nicely in her book. Brewer told Greta Van Susteren that Obama ambushed her when he got off the plane about the book. She reacted and poked her finger at his chest. Brewer said that Obama walked away from her in mid-sentence. Brewer says Obama wants amnesty.

December 29, 2011 10:02

Ann Coulter: Only One Candidate Is Right on The Two Most Important Issues

In the upcoming presidential election, two issues are more important than any others: repealing Obamacare and halting illegal immigration. If we fail at either one, the country will be changed permanently. –