Remember this is a president who said “under my plan electricity rates will necessarily skyrocket.” Obama seems to be doing everything he can to increase energy costs. Higher energy costs means fewer jobs. More ….
Post Tagged with: "energy jobs"
Obama Promises Economic Suicide with Looney Green Binge
The economy stagnates. Syria burns. Scandals lap at his feet. China and Russia mock him, even as a “29-year-old hacker” revealed his nation’s spy secrets to the world. [ … tens of thousands of jobs killed, entire states impoverished. This at a time of chronically and crushingly high unemployment, slow growth, jittery markets and deep economic uncertainty.] How does President Obama respond? With a grandiloquent speech on climate change. – Charles Krauthammer
“War on Coal Is Exactly What’s Needed” – Obama Anti-Energy Adviser
“White House is hesitant to say they’re having a war on coal. On the other hand, a war on coal is exactly what’s needed.” – Daniel P. Schrag, a White House climate adviser – Weekly Standard
Let My Energy Go! Obama Depresses Economy With Green Agenda
More than any other in history, the Obama administration is using its executive powers to delay, obstruct, hyper-regulate, penalize and bankrupt the proven energy that is the foundation of modern living standards.
Obama’s Jewell to Help Kill Coal, Raise Energy Costs
Obama’s nominee for interior secretary is another anti-energy, carbon taxing, wacko environmentalist consistent with Obama’s promise of making electricity rates “skyrocket.”
Obama’s Walt Disney energy policies
Knowing hope and hype energy can’t survive without mandates and subsidies, they are doubling down on grants and loans for campaign-contributing corporate cronies.
Facing a triple threat: Doha, EPA and Congress
This is not science. It is political science, rooted in a loathing of hydrocarbons, economic growth and humanity. It’s ideological, religious – the only state-sanctioned, state-supported religion permitted today.
Michigan Wackos Lost Vote for Suicidal Green Energy Initiative
Wind energy is parasitic – totally dependent on fossil fuels for backup power, with every megawatt of wind power supported by a megawatt of redundant coal or natural gas generating plants. So wind cannot possibly or meaningfully reduce emissions.
Germany’s failed “renewable” energy policy
How futile and ultimately harmful the quest for hydrocarbon-free “green” energy actually is – and how hypocritical Al Gore, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and other eco activists are, when they tell the rest of the world how to live.
Romney Plan Would Make America An Energy Superpower
Astonishingly, these opportunities for energy independence have been ignored for windmills and solar energy, even as a new energy revolution unfolds. – IBD