I call it the insane factor. The things our government is doing are so insane that people do not really believe it or are so overwhelmed they tune out. This article by Peter Morici at Fox News gives a little peek behind the curtain at what Ozbama is doing to (as he promised) fundamentally transform America. ~ Editor
Post Tagged with: "EPA regulations"
Obama’s War on Coal & Your Standard of Living
Obama made clear his animosity against America’s high standard of living based on low-cost electricity. [] he said, “under my plan [] electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket … “
Obama’s Crown Jewell of Thought Police
Interior Secretary wants blindly faithful warmists only in her department. Question the green god’s dogma and its hit the road Jack. We warned about Obama’s nominee’s continuing his radical ideological “green” push to raise energy costs.
Obama Promises Economic Suicide with Looney Green Binge
The economy stagnates. Syria burns. Scandals lap at his feet. China and Russia mock him, even as a “29-year-old hacker” revealed his nation’s spy secrets to the world. [ … tens of thousands of jobs killed, entire states impoverished. This at a time of chronically and crushingly high unemployment, slow growth, jittery markets and deep economic uncertainty.] How does President Obama respond? With a grandiloquent speech on climate change. – Charles Krauthammer
The Audacity of Deceit – Media Will Push Obama’s Climate Lies
“Never let a good disaster go to waste” and if you need one, make it up. A good scare creates power and a giant slush fund of taxpayer money.
EPA Climate Fascism
Global warming “disasters” exist only in computer models, Hollywood movies and alarmist assertions; and the “preventative measures” are worse than the disasters.
If For-Profit Oil is Evil, What’s the Alternative?
You can keep your heads in the sand only so long before the growing effects of such idiotic policies come home to you.
Continuing Collapse of Global Warming Hoax
The global warming/climate change hoax continues to be widely taught in the nation’s schools and that should end. Now.
Crony Capitalism Protects Wrongdoers, Harms Consumers, Disrupts Markets
Special interests invest in political campaigns as a cost of doing business, and they expect a handsome return on their investments. … politicians are only too happy to accommodate these special interests in exchange for political contributions that help cement and perpetuate their power.
You’re Getting Gassed by EPA Lies About Ethanol
EPA energy policy makers are unqualified and uninformed ideologues – who in their fervor to hasten environmental improvements are unnecessarily dictating that we waste our non-renewable energy to produce less non-renewable energy.