Post Tagged with: "Government Unions"

October 20, 2010 05:16

Public-Sector Unions Choke Taxpayers

Politicians get union political support by granting government workers generous pensions and health benefits.

September 21, 2010 05:44

The Department of Education – Who Needs it?

It seems obvious that the principal function of the DOE has nothing to do with improving the quality of public education and everything to do with doing the bidding of the nation’s powerful teacher’s unions and supporting politicians such as Mr. Obama.

September 20, 2010 07:08

Unions winning war in Democrat party

‘a split between the public employee unions that do so much to finance Democratic campaigns and the gentry liberals who provide Democratic votes in places like Manhattan, the Montgomery County suburbs of Maryland and Northwest Washington, D.C. And in each case, the public employee unions won.’ -Micael Barone

September 10, 2010 06:48

Folk hero Gov. Chris Christie responds to teacher criticism

A New Jersey teacher blasts Gov. Christie for budget problems in education.

August 17, 2010 08:22

Obama & State Takeover By Union: Syndicalism

In Marxism, great emphasis is placed on use of unions to advance socialism. French historian of labor Michel Collinet claims… “The control of labor unions was, and still remains, the principle objective of Communist parties in industrialized countries.”

June 16, 2010 09:55

The best government money can buy -top 20 public sector union paid politicians

This is a list of the 20 legislators who have received the most funds from public sector unions. Now you see why unions which make up only 12% of the work force get 100% of the favors from Democrats.

June 16, 2010 05:20

Unions out bid big oil for influence with Democrats

Government employee unions — through their employees and political action committees — have contributed more money to congressional candidates this election than all the PACs, executives and employees of the entire oil industry, according to data from the Center for Responsive Politics. Because 92 percent of public-employee union money goes to Democrats, President Obama’s party has raised more money from these unions this cycle than Republicans have raised from Wall Street.

June 14, 2010 07:04

No wonder unions will spend over $100 MILLION to keep Democrats in power

There are more union workers in government than in the private sector and they are paid 44% higher wages than in the private sector. Government job growth is 345 times as high as private job growth.

June 4, 2010 09:20

Spelling out the union fight – who will run education, unions or parents?

Gov. Chris Christie explains the teachers union being about the accumulation and exercise of raw power.

May 10, 2010 08:05

The Cartel – the movie that exposes teachers unions

This movie is just one example, along with the reports of how they are furiously lashing out against Governor Christie, of how the New Jersey teachers are now running scared. This is an excellent thing for everyone not on their gravy train. Those with the political power of the teachers are likely to believe that they can simply hunker down and wait for a change in the political weather, and they may be right.