Post Tagged with: "progressives"

August 9, 2012 08:44

The Minority Victim Value Index

To be a progressive is to be committed to perpetual reform in the name of perpetual grievance for perpetual power. Grievance is to their government feudalism what the Divine Right of Kings was to feudal rulers. It justifies their right to agitate and undermine, to seize power by any means necessary and to implement their programs legally or extra-legally.

June 27, 2012 04:13

Castro’s Puppet Works for “Progressive Congress”

“She became the first woman ever to be appointed Political Director of the AFL-CIO,” Politico said. She may also have been the first open Marxist to have achieved that position … an indication of how far to the left some American labor unions have drifted over the years.

June 22, 2012 08:06

The Bedlam of Statism

A statist or command economy is therefore a Sisyphean nightmare that grows worse with each new echelon of salaried mediocrities put in charge of regulating the latest “public concern.” .. This has been the incremental history of Progressivism, which has never had to look far for a “social ill” to cure and regulate. Any human action may be deemed a “social ill” and a candidate for taxation, regulation, or prohibition, from consuming milkshakes to stock or commodity speculation.

June 22, 2012 04:15

One Percent Progressives/Socialists Honor the 99 Percent

DSA honorary chair, Eliseo Medina, gave a speech describing how his Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is spending $4 million in various swing states on advertising to get Hispanics to the polls to vote for Obama. The SEIU is firmly under socialist control, as a report by researcher Trevor Loudon demonstrates.

June 19, 2012 09:30

Michelle Malkin at RightOnline 2012: “We Are Winning”

Conservative icon, author, journalist, and yes, blogger, Michelle Malkin spoke for the second time in two days at last weekend’s RightOnline Conference at the Venetian Casino and Resort in Las Vegas. – MarathonPundit

May 11, 2012 05:51

California shows how progressives destroy middle class

Over the past decade, as California consolidated itself as a bastion of modern progressivism, the state’s class chasm has widened considerably. To close the gap, California needs to embrace pro-growth policies, especially in the critical energy and industrial sectors—but it’s exactly those policies that the progressives most strongly oppose. – City Journal

April 27, 2012 06:48

If I Wanted to Make America Prosperous Again

We are in the grip of an oppressive Progressive Movement that after 100 years of incremental advance is poised to transform America from what she has always been into what they want her to be. … The Progressives envision America as a centrally-planned highly regimented social democracy where the wealth is spread around from each according to their abilities to each according to their needs .

April 18, 2012 04:11

Allen West Stands by His Progressives are Communists Comment

“I’m not going to be afraid that I called a spade a spade. .. Do the research. Understand the ideology. This is a choice between two very clear futures for the United States of America.” West doubles down on calling Democrats in the Progressive Caucus communists.

April 13, 2012 03:49

Breitbart Disciple Exposes Red Influence in Congress

Rep. West clearly understands the media war as well and said about the controversy over his comments: “The press wants to write gotcha stories and talk semantics, but just look at the words and actions of the [Congressional] Progressive Caucus. You can call them socialist, Marxist, communist or whatever you want, but the point is, they oppose free markets and individual economic freedom, they want to redistribute wealth, and they want to see the nation fundamentally transformed. Their policies are destructive and I will stand up to them regardless of the critics. Members of this Caucus lavished praise on Fidel Castro following a 2009 visit, just to name one example. The Communist Party USA claims the Progressive Caucus as its ‘ally.’”

March 23, 2012 16:35

Democrats, socialists, communists all one

Radical leftist Francis Fox Piven declares that the leftists big tent includes communists, socialists and Democrats. We’ve known they were the same all along. They also call themselves progressives, Marxists and liberals.