Post Tagged with: "Tea Party movement"

March 19, 2013 06:06

Sarah Palin – Still Relevant After All These Years

When the GOP was desperate with RINO McCain as the lame candidate against Obama in 2008 they turned to Palin to excite the Party and inject enthusiasm into the race. Now she is the conservative that the establishment loves to hate. She has supported more GOP winners recently than Karl Rove. Here Ted Cruz gives an impromptu intro to Palin’s speech at CPAC 2013. “We’re not here to rebrand a party, we’re here to rebuild a country.”

March 19, 2013 04:10


The leitmotif of every speech was the loss of the GOP’s core principles of conservatism in the eager race to pander to and win the hearts and minds of various voting blocks that self-segregated long time ago from the population at large.

March 1, 2013 06:42

It’s No Longer “the Economy, Stupid” It’s We the People are Stupid

This is the beginning of the end of freedom. The minute a majority of people in a society start to feel entitled to Barack’s baby-sitting service, that’s the beginning of the end of that society.

February 27, 2013 10:00

The First Contract with America

The government’s The First Contract with America was a written guarantee that the government acknowledged it had no authority to infringe on the people’s God-given Rights.

February 18, 2013 07:46

Battle for Control of the GOP Begins

It’s time for the grassroots to take control of the Republican Party away from the elitists who want to choose our candidates, tell them what to say, and how to vote. We want a real choice, not a Rove echo.

February 11, 2013 06:32

The Cuts That Really Weren’t

“[M]any of their “cuts” cut nothing at all.” The illusion of big “cuts” shows why there is little hope for saving America from the thieving politicians that continue ever increasing spending to fund their own power and wealth.

November 15, 2012 07:09

I have not yet begun to fight!

While we have slowed the juggernaut of the socializing of America into a failed welfare state, we cannot push back the tide that is sweeping over us without a much greater battle for the hearts and minds of the people.

November 12, 2012 09:41

Time for More Liberal GOP? – No!

Every time a “moderate” candidate loses the RINO’s come out and raise the specter of a more liberal GOP. We don’t need two leftist socialist parties. It is the nice guy moderates who won’t call out the socialist Marxists like Obama for what they are that keep losing to the lies propped up by the sycophant press. Laura Ingraham explains.

November 9, 2012 06:57

Charles Krauthammer: The way forward is not a left turn

The country doesn’t need two liberal parties… In a world where European social democracy is imploding before our eyes, the party of smaller, more modernized government owns the ideological future.

November 8, 2012 10:57

We Are Now a Welfare Nation

We are borrowing from future generations to buy votes now. There is just not enough money to give everyone what they want or what they are told they “deserve.” Those that believe we can just continue to create more money out of thin air should wonder why we don’t just give everyone a trillion dollars and we’d all be rich. Reality just doesn’t work that way.