Post Tagged with: "tyranny by agency"

July 13, 2011 08:19

Emails show Obama using federal agencies to generate anti-gun propaganda to justify gun bans

Even though the administration is in trouble for getting a border patrol agent murdered with the DOJ Operation Fast and Furious fiasco, team Obama is moving ahead with executive order gun bans to shore up his left wing base in the approaching election.

June 30, 2011 05:37

Dr. Coburn on the duplication amendment

Asking for common sense in the senate is like asking the Mafia for common sense.
Senator Coburn points out that we have “101 programs across four different agencies for surface transportation …. eighty two teacher programs across ten different agencies nine of which are not in the Department of Education … eighty -eight economic development agencies spending $6.5 billion across four agencies … 47 job training programs across nine different agencies and we’re spending $18 billion a year …”

June 24, 2011 07:13

Electric rates to jump 40-60% with Obama’s new EPA regs

That should really help the economy! Remember Obama told us his plan would “necessarily make electricity rates skyrocket.”

May 12, 2011 06:49

Stacked Courts and Dissolution of US Laws set to officially establish the Obama Tyranny

US laws are now being ignored outright or the despot is issuing Executive fiats–also largely ignored by Congress–to supplant said laws

May 12, 2011 04:47

Puddle Power Grab – EPA declares authority over all

The EPA’s ambitions are bad policy: bad for business, bad for agriculture, bad for energy development, and bad for constitutionally guaranteed property rights and personal liberties. Largely thanks to government policies, food and fuel costs are reaching record levels.

April 28, 2011 07:05

Obama’s tyrannical Labor Board sues states to overturn secret ballot laws

The National Labor Relations Board is seeking an unprecedented expansion of powers in a lawsuit to overturn voter-approved constitutional amendments in at least two states guaranteeing the secret ballot for union elections, South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley said. –

March 17, 2011 19:38

Issa on ATF gun running plot and agencies using courts to bypass congress

Rep. Darryl Issa Chairman of the Committee on Oversight & Government Reform discussed the BATF gun running scandal on the Roger Hedgecock radio show. He also mentions how federal agencies are inviting lawsuits which they then capitulate on, settle for large damages and then use as case law to make policy that otherwise would not have passed congress.

February 15, 2011 05:48

Obama and the New Incrementalism: Thumbing His Nose at the Law

From healthcare to the environment to jobs, liberal legal elites pay lip service to the rule of law while their friends in the bureaucracy race to entrench liberal policies. Welcome to the New Incrementalism.

February 11, 2011 07:10

Governed by Those Who Don’t Know What They’re Governing

This is not capitalism, and it’s not even democracy. It’s tyranny.

February 10, 2011 06:05

Fixing the Economy Demands More Than a Stroll across Lafayette Park

According to a survey of 13,000 business executives worldwide, conducted by the World Economic Forum, 52 countries have less burdensome regulations than the United States. Add to that the fact that the United States has the highest corporate tax rate among all OECD countries and it becomes less mysterious why U.S. businesses shift more operations abroad.