Post Tagged with: "climategate"

March 30, 2017 06:43

Scientists Are Liars Now

Today’s scientists get paid for results that fit their funders so “they cheat [….] and eventually you get what you want.”

October 7, 2014 05:18

Democrats LIE to get Elected – Don’t Be STUPID Again

Kentucky Senate candidate Grimes shown to be lying about support for coal to fool Kentucky’s largely Democrat voters who have had some of the lowest electric rates in the US thanks to coal. Recent EPA policies have cost Kentucky thousands of jobs in coal and related industries and made the cost of electricity skyrocket just as Obama promised he would do in 2008.

June 24, 2014 18:25

Obama’s radical agenda for America extends far beyond EPA proposal

I call it the insane factor. The things our government is doing are so insane that people do not really believe it or are so overwhelmed they tune out. This article by Peter Morici at Fox News gives a little peek behind the curtain at what Ozbama is doing to (as he promised) fundamentally transform America. ~ Editor

May 8, 2014 07:56

Lower GI Pay to Buy $150 a Gallon “Green” Fuel?

The Econuts are in charge of our national security. While the JCs call for lower pay and benefits, they pay as much as $150 per gallon for “green” jet fuel to prop up left wing campaign supporters and their insane business scams that bilk taxpayers over non-existent man-made global warming with “green” biofuels that are so expensive nobody can buy them but the government.

December 3, 2013 05:30

Lies my president told me

When caught, they dissemble, say they were “not informed directly,” issue false apologies, or fire back with “What difference, at this point, does it make anyway?!?”

November 6, 2013 06:34

Fantasy Climate Change – Models Wrong for Over 25 Years

In every single case, the observed trend lies below the model average trend.

September 4, 2013 05:46

Obama’s Crown Jewell of Thought Police

Interior Secretary wants blindly faithful warmists only in her department. Question the green god’s dogma and its hit the road Jack. We warned about Obama’s nominee’s continuing his radical ideological “green” push to raise energy costs.

August 8, 2013 08:58

Hot Lies Disputed by Cold Facts

Global warming is the greatest hoax of the modern era and is seriously undermined by the fact that the Earth has been in one of its natural cooling cycles for the last seventeen years at this point.

August 7, 2013 04:41

$100 BILLION Blown on Faux “Green” Jobs

Your green has been redistributed to Obama supporting left wing groups and big campaign contributors. Bus drivers, garbage men and even lobbyists had to counted as “green” jobs to pump up the dismal numbers. Ford had to “reclassify” existing employees as “green” jobs to get a federal loan. Obama originally touted Spain as his “green” jobs model. Spain’s unemployment reached 22.8% which is the highest in 17 years. The “green” jobs myth helped cause the problem.

Some of Obama’s “green” jobs programs have cost as much as $14 MILLION per job. Obama and his Marxist radicals have seized on the “green” jobs myth as a way to steal billions of dollars from future generations and redistribute it to their friends and supporters and make you feel good about it. How stupid can you be? More…..

July 11, 2013 07:58

The Day Has Come – Quote of the Day

“As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron.” —- H.L. Mencken, The Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920