Post Tagged with: "Tides Foundation"

October 25, 2011 04:57

Glenn Beck: Tea Party vs Occupy Wall Street

Comparing funding, groups involved, and high profile people backing the #OWS protests Beck says the press is feeding you lies.

November 20, 2010 09:48

Liberals’ ‘Progress’ Means Subjugation By Any Other Name!

In short, Progressivism and the advance of “Progressive Change”, as promoted by the Center for American Progress and supported by academia, the press and a large segment of those in government, is, by any other name, subjugation.

October 25, 2010 11:11

5 Leftist Lies About the Best Source of Oil on Earth

Last week, I reported the news that the U.S. based Tides Foundation is funding Canadian environmentalists who are trying to shut down Alberta’s oil sands industry.

October 23, 2010 17:51

Is it Legal? Soros, Tides & Unions Use Illegals to Campaign for Dems

According to their annual reports, Jayapal’s OneAmerica (formerly Hate Free Zone) receives funding from a number of liberal individuals and interest groups, including George Soros’ Open Society Institute, Planned Parenthood, SEIU, the Tides Foundation and a number of various union organizations.

September 8, 2010 18:00

Why conservatives should cut up American Express cards

The American Express Foundation funds many left wing groups and causes that are diametrically opposed to conservative principles and values. The list includes Planned Parenthood, La Raza, Greenpeace, NOW, and The National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy which has ties to the Tides Foundation, the Tides Center, George Soros, the Pew Trusts and the Rockefeller Foundation.

July 30, 2010 04:23

Obama official led Soros ‘fund’ supporting world government, UN treaties, US disarmament

Obama’s assistant secretary of state for population, refugees and migration, Eric P. Schwartz, previously served as the director of Connect U.S. Fund which is a Tides Foundation (George Soros) funded group which funnels money managed by the Tides Foundation to leftist groups promoting UN programs and treaties harmful to the US, the US participation in the International Court, US nuclear disarmament, push for global climate fund payments by the US and deep reductions in US greenhouse gases.

May 11, 2010 19:10

Crime Inc.: What the ‘Greening of America’ Really Means

Cap and trade bill exposes snakes nest of corrupt politicians, ‘green’ groups, environmentalists, and big corporations all seeking to profit from higher taxes and costs to US.

April 3, 2010 11:09 is a valuable tool for activist research

Easily map people and organizations and all their interconnections.

March 12, 2010 15:17

Influence of the Tides Foundation is broad and international

The Tides Foundation’s central tenet is “healthy societies rely fundamentally on respect for human rights, the vitality of communities and a celebration of diversity.” Seems quite harmless at first glance but upon further inspection of this organization, the group’s motivation becomes quite clear: the promotion of radical leftist beliefs on the American public through any means possible.

March 6, 2010 12:07

Charitable Money Laundering For Democrats: The Tides Foundation

Set up in 1976 by California activist Drummond Pike, Tides does two things better than any other foundation or charity in the U.S. today: it routinely obscures the sources of its tax-exempt millions, and makes it difficult (if not impossible) to discern how the funds are actually being used.