Soros money is now being used for another nefarious purpose—to glorify and spread unrest in prisons.
Post Tagged with: "Van Jones"
Van Jones Admits Left is “PRETENDING” Need for Regulations in Green Movement
Since global warming has been exposed as a political wealth redistribution agenda without verifiable science the ‘green’ movement turns to other tactics. Former White House staffer and self avowed communist Van Jones wants to use regulation to achieve his radical goals.
Radical revolutionaries in our midst
An amazing expose of the people and the organizations planning to disrupt, corrupt or ‘fundamentally transform’ America. Glenn Beck 12-20. Watch it even if you don’t like Beck.
Communist Van Jones wants to take the media
Former White house staffer and self avowed communist Van Jones on taking the media as the next frontier and mean, dumb Republicans.
Exposing Un-American Activities
The liberal and conservative media had their heads in the sand. They couldn’t come to grips with the unprecedented prospect of a possible agent of influence for the international Marxist movement occupying the oval office.
Van Jones wins! $4.6 billion to indians and black farmers
Bloomberg reports: U.S. Senate yesterday approved spending $4.6 billion to settle two lawsuits: one by black farmers who alleged racial discrimination by government lenders and the other by 300,000 American Indians who said they had been cheated out of land royalties dating to 1887.
Liberals’ ‘Progress’ Means Subjugation By Any Other Name!
In short, Progressivism and the advance of “Progressive Change”, as promoted by the Center for American Progress and supported by academia, the press and a large segment of those in government, is, by any other name, subjugation.
Extreme Girls: All the President’s Radical Women
We are in the era of Democratic Extreme Girls — Big Nanny handmaidens who demand control of your children, your health care, your energy use, your pocketbook and your news.
Barack Obama’s Surrogate Father
Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis was a sex pervert who mentored Obama during his growing-up years in Hawaii and became his substitute father.
Progressives paving the road to Socialism
A group of left wing radicals assembled at a conference in Washington, D.C. under the banner of the Campaign for America’s Future. This group was a Who’s, Who’s of the progressive movement in America.